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Owen Bradley leaving Radio Derby/Joining Rams TV


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Wonder whos going to replace Owen now then, he was almost the "sense checker" amongst the chaos of Ramage and Dawes, although i think both are good entertainment. 

Almost feel like they need another, sensible head in there to calm things down abit when Rammer goes off on one and Dawes starts screaming at the Ref every 5 minutes


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19 minutes ago, Derbados said:

Wonder whos going to replace Owen now then, he was almost the "sense checker" amongst the chaos of Ramage and Dawes, although i think both are good entertainment. 

Almost feel like they need another, sensible head in there to calm things down abit when Rammer goes off on one and Dawes starts screaming at the Ref every 5 minutes


Who did it when OB was on holidays.  That would be a good guide.

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Wish him well, good move by RamsTV although Hayley McQueen or Orla Chennoui would have been welcome additions too :lol:

I think this is a positive career move for him, hone his presenting skills to camera, learn to ad lib when things go awry as they are prone to do on live television and I don’t doubt a national platform will present itself in the future.

Give it some Owen. :thumbsup:

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Sith Happens
1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

I liked rog davies but would not mind if old man came and did it under jim smith or bald eagle himself.

This conjures up all sorts of horrible thoughts.

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3 hours ago, jimbobram said:

I don't think he is actually a Derby fan tbh

Never one to miss an opportunity to plug my own content, Owen said he was when I interviewed him in January. It's in the following article somewhere: https://dcfcweekly.wordpress.com/2017/01/13/a-chat-with-owen-bradley/

Or you could take @David's word for it.

As for you Owen, congratulations on your move. I'll be sorry not to hear from you when I'm driving to the match, but seeing you on the big screen at the stadium should make up for that.

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25 minutes ago, Simsy said:

So he's been offered a substantial pay rise.

I'm sure he wouldn't, when ever I've spoken to him he's seemed like a decent guy. I mean to move jobs for more money....nah, who the hell does that these days? 

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14 minutes ago, David said:

I'm sure he wouldn't, when ever I've spoken to him he's seemed like a decent guy. I mean to move jobs for more money....nah, who the hell does that these days? 

I don't get what your point is here? I just stated that he probably has a nice pay rise I wasn't disagreeing with his decision. :huh:

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11 minutes ago, Simsy said:

I don't get what your point is here? I just stated that he probably has a nice pay rise I wasn't disagreeing with his decision. :huh:

Just thought it was a bit of a weird comment to make thats all, not many people move jobs for less money. 

Always find it weird guesstimating another persons wages anyhow, even players.

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