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6 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

@David Fair enough and I understand that. I could never leave the beauty and utter simplicity of my touchscreen Windows laptop for the bizarre and terrible touchstrip at the back of the keyboard of the MacBook Pro. But each to their own.

I have a friend who thinks my MacBook Pro is crap cos it doesn't have a touch screen, and can't understand why it doesn't. 

At my work the two girls their both have touch screen lenovos, and both have asked me to turn the touch screen off, cos it's nothing but trouble.

i asked in the Apple shop why Apple would never do a touch screen  they are, after all, the innovators of the modern touch experience, seems like it would be something they're all over. But it's just not natural. You don't poke and prod your tv screen (unless you're a two year old with sticky fingers). And any lap top doesn't have the support behind the screen, so it ends up flapping and wobbling about when you're prodding away at it.

A very good touch pad is so much better. Means your hands never have to leave the keyboard area.

ill admit though, I'm still getting used to the touch bar, and there's been occasions where I've pressed send on an email before I'm ready. But I'm getting there, there's quite a few things I use it for now.

i find that most people who dislike Apple have never actually used it. They are too set in the windows / android mindset, and think the transition would be too difficult. That was me about 7 years ago. I refused to buy my wife an iPod because wouldn't touch Apple with a barge pole. As soon as I took the plunge and made the change, though, I would absolutely never go back.

we have done Windows pcs in my office. Downloading update 34 of 5906 is still very much a thing. Delayed the opening time of my clinic by about half an hour the other day. There's two or three bits of third party software that open automatically that I don't understand what they are, or what they do, but they give me error messages. Just have to cancel them. No idea what they add to the experience. And that was fresh out of the box.

and paying s subscriptions for for office 365. What's that all about? People say Apple is expensive, but you get their office suite for free, and annual updates of all the software for free, and the kit lasts longer, with far higher build quality. So actually, after you've owned it for 5 years, and it's still going strong, it's starts to become pretty good value.

The girls in the office are looking to replace their lenovos after 1.5 years, because the 3rd party software has just clogged them up so much. There emails never work, their internet never works. Everything just works on mine  open the lid, and off I go.



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10 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

There are less bugs on appletrees than that operating system, how many betas did the last one go through and still came out bugged? Android nearly as bad, just wish consumers didn't buy the BS.

Is there a set number of betas software should have? This forum software alone had around 20 before being officially released and still came with bugs.

Just another hater pop, scraping that barrel ?

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Have had both Apple and Android (Sony Xperia). 

Apple: Daveo is right about the feel of iOS. The apps work much better and the feeling of quality is evident.

Android: I use Google for everything. Sheets, Calendar, Browsing, Mail, Drive, Keep etc etc. Which in my opinion are better than the Apple equivalents.

Sony itself had a much better quality music sound when being bluetooth streamed to car or speaker, and on headphones, than iPhone.

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It took 35 minutes to be able to start doing my job last Monday as I was waiting for windows to perform an update. Why do they have no way of stopping that crap? 

I'm not a fully paid up member of the Apple church but having used both there's no contest. Apple just works in a  beautifully intuitive way. 

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2 hours ago, David said:

Is there a set number of betas software should have? This forum software alone had around 20 before being officially released and still came with bugs.

Just another hater pop, scraping that barrel ?

Not a hater pop at all. Just a reflection on how people just accept crappy OS, forum, CRM etc.

Only in this field is such BS put up with. Imagine if it was the same for TVs, cars, anything that used a computer programme...can't see cars owners sitting in their car on a Monday morning waiting for an update before they can start the engine.

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34 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

Not a hater pop at all. Just a reflection on how people just accept crappy OS, forum, CRM etc.

Only in this field is such BS put up with. Imagine if it was the same for TVs, cars, anything that used a computer programme...can't see cars owners sitting in their car on a Monday morning waiting for an update before they can start the engine.

You are wrong. All software be it TV's, Cars, Planes, Phones goes through Alpha and Beta testing before being released to the public, the number of betas is irrelevant as long as the finished product is acceptable.

You will not find a bug free piece of software anywhere as it is always evolving.

Oh Apple have had 10 betas, must be crap, wrong. In fact it could be said that more the better as it shows how fast they are working on releasing the best software they can.

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6 hours ago, ketteringram said:

Is that a serious question?? 

Yes. The biggest argument against iOS is that you can't customise it. Those that use argue, that's fine by me, why would I want to much about with something that is damn near perfect. But if customisation is your bag, then android is for you. 

If you're not going to customise android. What does it actually have over iOS?

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6 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

Yes. The biggest argument against iOS is that you can't customise it. Those that use argue, that's fine by me, why would I want to much about with something that is damn near perfect. But if customisation is your bag, then android is for you. 

If you're not going to customise android. What does it actually have over iOS?

Can your iPhone have two apps open on the same screen yet?

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40 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

Yes. The biggest argument against iOS is that you can't customise it. Those that use argue, that's fine by me, why would I want to much about with something that is damn near perfect. But if customisation is your bag, then android is for you. 

If you're not going to customise android. What does it actually have over iOS?

So....... Because I don't want to 'customise', I shouldn't have an android phone. Righty O. 


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