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On 29/08/2019 at 11:55, Smyth_18 said:

Great words.

For the past week or so i have been waking up dreading the day for no particular reason, it is then a draining uphill battle to claw it back.

I just seem to be getting more an more frustrated with modern living. i.e. office jobs & money chasing, poor nutrition available & no trust in foods, news (Brexit, trump, death, money), the internet etc. Sure i could go on.


I hope things are getting better for you mate. All the best.

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Sith Happens

You rarely hear about what people go through when they come off their medication. I recently came off mine. 

While I am far from being in a bad place it has been a challenge. My moods have been up and down, more irritable and certainly some physical symptoms such as sickness, dizziness. I expected to be weened off for a while but it was pretty much an immediate stop which surprised me.

I really hope this is an effect of coming off the meds rather than how its going to be. I am better than i used to be, i practice my count to 10 when i get annoyed or someone says something and i try not to react.

One place i don't tend to take that approach is online. DCFCFans is really the only place I post, I don't bother with Facebook or Twitter. Of late I have found posting here a bit of a challenge too, I know its ridiculous as its just an online forum but I find myself being affected by what people say, and the things i can post at times.

Its stupid the times you have got into a 'discussion' with someone or something has been said to you that I can lie awake at night spinning it round in my head. I think the issue with a text response is it can be misinterpreted so easily , I am sure no one sets out to upset anyone but it does happen, I know i don't intend to but can think of numerous occasions where something I have said can be taken that way.

Last night was one of those for me, I said something to someone which was no way intended to be a slight on them but it was taken that way and i can see why. And without going into it the recent events have affected my love for the club, i will still attend games as the time i spend with my Dad is important to me, i hope my love has returned by the time renewal time comes up.

I have been thinking I need to leave this alone for a while, I have asked @David to remove my account which he is doing although I have a cool down period in case i change my mind which i might do i dont know.

For now I am going to log out on all my devices, I will still access the site to read whats going on but as a 'Lurker' only.

I wish I was and hope to have the calm head and sensible approach that @angieram has, hopefully I will one day soon.

Anyway I am just another poster amongst hundreds/thousands, as I said I will keep an eye on things especially @Van Cone De Head and @Mrs Cone as i genuinely have an interest in how Joel is getting on.

Anyway Au Revoir.....and good luck!


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12 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

You rarely hear about what people go through when they come off their medication. I recently came off mine. 

While I am far from being in a bad place it has been a challenge. My moods have been up and down, more irritable and certainly some physical symptoms such as sickness, dizziness. I expected to be weened off for a while but it was pretty much an immediate stop which surprised me.

I really hope this is an effect of coming off the meds rather than how its going to be. I am better than i used to be, i practice my count to 10 when i get annoyed or someone says something and i try not to react.

One place i don't tend to take that approach is online. DCFCFans is really the only place I post, I don't bother with Facebook or Twitter. Of late I have found posting here a bit of a challenge too, I know its ridiculous as its just an online forum but I find myself being affected by what people say, and the things i can post at times.

Its stupid the times you have got into a 'discussion' with someone or something has been said to you that I can lie awake at night spinning it round in my head. I think the issue with a text response is it can be misinterpreted so easily , I am sure no one sets out to upset anyone but it does happen, I know i don't intend to but can think of numerous occasions where something I have said can be taken that way.

Last night was one of those for me, I said something to someone which was no way intended to be a slight on them but it was taken that way and i can see why. And without going into it the recent events have affected my love for the club, i will still attend games as the time i spend with my Dad is important to me, i hope my love has returned by the time renewal time comes up.

I have been thinking I need to leave this alone for a while, I have asked @David to remove my account which he is doing although I have a cool down period in case i change my mind which i might do i dont know.

For now I am going to log out on all my devices, I will still access the site to read whats going on but as a 'Lurker' only.

I wish I was and hope to have the calm head and sensible approach that @angieram has, hopefully I will one day soon.

Anyway I am just another poster amongst hundreds/thousands, as I said I will keep an eye on things especially @Van Cone De Head and @Mrs Cone as i genuinely have an interest in how Joel is getting on.

Anyway Au Revoir.....and good luck!


Please don’t remove your account mate.

Just have a break if you need it.

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6 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

You rarely hear about what people go through when they come off their medication. I recently came off mine. 

While I am far from being in a bad place it has been a challenge. My moods have been up and down, more irritable and certainly some physical symptoms such as sickness, dizziness. I expected to be weened off for a while but it was pretty much an immediate stop which surprised me.

I really hope this is an effect of coming off the meds rather than how its going to be. I am better than i used to be, i practice my count to 10 when i get annoyed or someone says something and i try not to react.

One place i don't tend to take that approach is online. DCFCFans is really the only place I post, I don't bother with Facebook or Twitter. Of late I have found posting here a bit of a challenge too, I know its ridiculous as its just an online forum but I find myself being affected by what people say, and the things i can post at times.

Its stupid the times you have got into a 'discussion' with someone or something has been said to you that I can lie awake at night spinning it round in my head. I think the issue with a text response is it can be misinterpreted so easily , I am sure no one sets out to upset anyone but it does happen, I know i don't intend to but can think of numerous occasions where something I have said can be taken that way.

Last night was one of those for me, I said something to someone which was no way intended to be a slight on them but it was taken that way and i can see why. And without going into it the recent events have affected my love for the club, i will still attend games as the time i spend with my Dad is important to me, i hope my love has returned by the time renewal time comes up.

I have been thinking I need to leave this alone for a while, I have asked @David to remove my account which he is doing although I have a cool down period in case i change my mind which i might do i dont know.

For now I am going to log out on all my devices, I will still access the site to read whats going on but as a 'Lurker' only.

I wish I was and hope to have the calm head and sensible approach that @angieram has, hopefully I will one day soon.

Anyway I am just another poster amongst hundreds/thousands, as I said I will keep an eye on things especially @Van Cone De Head and @Mrs Cone as i genuinely have an interest in how Joel is getting on.

Anyway Au Revoir.....and good luck!

Paul, first of all I do hope you change your mind and I'm sorry to hear you having a rough time coming off your meds, having recently been placed on medication I have been through similar whilst my body adjusted to being on the stuff, I'm not sure anyone has noticed I have been more inactive than I usually am but this is why.

I haven't really spoke about publicly as rightly or wrongly I still feel slightly embarrassed I have taken the "easy option", being someone that believed with the right mindset you could beat anything, part of me feels like I lost the battle, yet another part of me thinks I have made the best decision I have ever made and feel closer than ever to the people around me that anxiety was slowly pushing away.

You're not alone in words on this forum effecting people both positively and negatively, I have experienced both sides of this on many occasions, last night another negative experience which was brought on by your post. 

It's a reason why this forum not only exists but rules are in place where we won't tolerate profanity or insults towards other members, you really don't know what the person behind the username is going through and this forum could be that release they need. 

If my integrity is to be questioned, which I accepted it would be when signing the advertising contract with the club, my position was there are other forums available, and I stand by that. At the end of the day I do own and run this forum, whilst it's perfectly acceptable to not like me, disagree with what I say, I will never shy away from giving my opinion for fear of it being questioned.

I acknowledged your reply and apologised if it was meant as a "banter", but as you can see from the topic, others used it as a launchpad to question my integrity. The fact you dropped an angry reaction to my initial post that you replied to did not help with it coming across as "banter", but I truly apologise if that was the intention.

Personally I don't feel like those topics are the right place or time for banter, it's a serious situation, one which I took several hours absorbing before even replying, even now I'm struggling to wrap my head around it and until the court case has concluded I'm not sure it really will. Banter, joking around or even creating chants making light of the situation to me are incredibly insensitive.

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TBH if someone is making you upset- get rid of it! Think he has made the right decision. It doesnt matter what it is, football, dcfcfans forum, facebook, ducking dating sites- it doesnt matter. If something is causing your day to be more miserable- get bloody rid


In the words of Alan Hansen sometimes "Simplicity is key"

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9 hours ago, Paul71 said:

Anyway Au Revoir.....and good luck!

I'm so sorry to read this @Paul71, especially as I was the poster who followed up your comment by posting another mindless joke.

I too experienced a fitful night's sleep, which was a suprise to me as initially I pushed back against the reaction, I also realised that nothing I post is worth losing sleep over, and woke determined to make amends.

Please don't leave the forum, it's a much better place with your wisdom and wit than anything I bring to the table, and it would be a shame for others to miss out on that because of shitstorm I created.

@David please accept this as my resignation from the forum, I can't have this on my head too.


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12 hours ago, Paul71 said:

You rarely hear about what people go through when they come off their medication. I recently came off mine. 

While I am far from being in a bad place it has been a challenge. My moods have been up and down, more irritable and certainly some physical symptoms such as sickness, dizziness. I expected to be weened off for a while but it was pretty much an immediate stop which surprised me.

I really hope this is an effect of coming off the meds rather than how its going to be. I am better than i used to be, i practice my count to 10 when i get annoyed or someone says something and i try not to react.

One place i don't tend to take that approach is online. DCFCFans is really the only place I post, I don't bother with Facebook or Twitter. Of late I have found posting here a bit of a challenge too, I know its ridiculous as its just an online forum but I find myself being affected by what people say, and the things i can post at times.

Its stupid the times you have got into a 'discussion' with someone or something has been said to you that I can lie awake at night spinning it round in my head. I think the issue with a text response is it can be misinterpreted so easily , I am sure no one sets out to upset anyone but it does happen, I know i don't intend to but can think of numerous occasions where something I have said can be taken that way.

Last night was one of those for me, I said something to someone which was no way intended to be a slight on them but it was taken that way and i can see why. And without going into it the recent events have affected my love for the club, i will still attend games as the time i spend with my Dad is important to me, i hope my love has returned by the time renewal time comes up.

I have been thinking I need to leave this alone for a while, I have asked @David to remove my account which he is doing although I have a cool down period in case i change my mind which i might do i dont know.

For now I am going to log out on all my devices, I will still access the site to read whats going on but as a 'Lurker' only.

I wish I was and hope to have the calm head and sensible approach that @angieram has, hopefully I will one day soon.

Anyway I am just another poster amongst hundreds/thousands, as I said I will keep an eye on things especially @Van Cone De Head and @Mrs Cone as i genuinely have an interest in how Joel is getting on.

Anyway Au Revoir.....and good luck!



2 hours ago, reverendo de duivel said:

I'm so sorry to read this @Paul71, especially as I was the poster who followed up your comment by posting another mindless joke.

I too experienced a fitful night's sleep, which was a suprise to me as initially I pushed back against the reaction, I also realised that nothing I post is worth losing sleep over, and woke determined to make amends.

Please don't leave the forum, it's a much better place with your wisdom and wit than anything I bring to the table, and it would be a shame for others to miss out on that because of shitstorm I created.

@David please accept this as my resignation from the forum, I can't have this on my head too.


@Paul71 - if you really feel you need to leave then clearly that's your prerogative but without wanting to sound slushy, you are kind of one of the doyens round here and I think you'd be very much missed. Could you be persuaded to just take a week or two out? I think we all get jaded and I think we all need a break from time to time. I will tend to get enforced breaks every now and then (cheers mods!) as I'm a rude git with a potty-mouth so in some ways it's easier for me than some others. Certainly I feel the forum would be less than its current sum in your absence and I know many would agree with this view.

As for you @reverendo de duivel, come on chap! We can't lose you too! I have no idea what was said but I do know we all say daft things from time to time and texted responses can be open to multitudinous interpretations when folk are unsettled. Unlike myself, I don't think I've ever seen you be really knowingly rude or hurtful on the forum and as with @Paul71, the place would be poorer for your loss. We should judge ourselves and one another on the balance of what we say and do and not the silly moments we regret. I'd really hope that on reflection you too would reconsider your stance too.

Anyway, I'll shut up now bar saying yes, my motivations may be selfish, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.! If we can all get through this shitstorm of a season without losing the plot then I'm sure we can raise our glasses to the next 10 years of this wonderful little corner of the interweb  of which yous two are very much part of the fabric?

Edited by 86 Schmokes & a Pancake
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12 hours ago, Paul71 said:

You rarely hear about what people go through when they come off their medication. I recently came off mine. 

While I am far from being in a bad place it has been a challenge. My moods have been up and down, more irritable and certainly some physical symptoms such as sickness, dizziness. I expected to be weened off for a while but it was pretty much an immediate stop which surprised me.

I really hope this is an effect of coming off the meds rather than how its going to be. I am better than i used to be, i practice my count to 10 when i get annoyed or someone says something and i try not to react.

One place i don't tend to take that approach is online. DCFCFans is really the only place I post, I don't bother with Facebook or Twitter. Of late I have found posting here a bit of a challenge too, I know its ridiculous as its just an online forum but I find myself being affected by what people say, and the things i can post at times.

Its stupid the times you have got into a 'discussion' with someone or something has been said to you that I can lie awake at night spinning it round in my head. I think the issue with a text response is it can be misinterpreted so easily , I am sure no one sets out to upset anyone but it does happen, I know i don't intend to but can think of numerous occasions where something I have said can be taken that way.

Last night was one of those for me, I said something to someone which was no way intended to be a slight on them but it was taken that way and i can see why. And without going into it the recent events have affected my love for the club, i will still attend games as the time i spend with my Dad is important to me, i hope my love has returned by the time renewal time comes up.

I have been thinking I need to leave this alone for a while, I have asked @David to remove my account which he is doing although I have a cool down period in case i change my mind which i might do i dont know.

For now I am going to log out on all my devices, I will still access the site to read whats going on but as a 'Lurker' only.

I wish I was and hope to have the calm head and sensible approach that @angieram has, hopefully I will one day soon.

Anyway I am just another poster amongst hundreds/thousands, as I said I will keep an eye on things especially @Van Cone De Head and @Mrs Cone as i genuinely have an interest in how Joel is getting on.

Anyway Au Revoir.....and good luck!


Sorry to hear that you're feeling down at the moment Paul and also going through a challenging time with your meds. If you feel like taking a break from the Forum do so, but I wouldn't make any permanent decisions until you've had time to reflect and know that the decision- either way - is the right one for you.

I don't know whether it will help you to know that whilst I appear, to you at least, to have a calm head and sensible approach on here, I do get angry and annoyed by some posts and particularly some posters. I suspect I also annoy the same posters as we have very different outlooks on life.

I have typed many an angry response at times on here but somehow always baulk at hitting that send button. I leave it in the editor until next time I visit, by which time the debate has usually moved on or I have calmed down a bit! 

I value your contributions on here, as I do David's,  The Revs and 86 Schmokes. I probably missed what exchanges took place that triggered your post and the responses above as I am struggling to keep up with all the discussions right now, but I hope that whatever they were that they can be put in perspective by all concerned. It's a bit like family (or mates) on here; we disagree from time to time but always forgive each other.

I hope you are reading still and will reconsider. 

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21 hours ago, Paul71 said:

You rarely hear about what people go through when they come off their medication. I recently came off mine. 

While I am far from being in a bad place it has been a challenge. My moods have been up and down, more irritable and certainly some physical symptoms such as sickness, dizziness. I expected to be weened off for a while but it was pretty much an immediate stop which surprised me.

I really hope this is an effect of coming off the meds rather than how its going to be. I am better than i used to be, i practice my count to 10 when i get annoyed or someone says something and i try not to react.

One place i don't tend to take that approach is online. DCFCFans is really the only place I post, I don't bother with Facebook or Twitter. Of late I have found posting here a bit of a challenge too, I know its ridiculous as its just an online forum but I find myself being affected by what people say, and the things i can post at times.

Its stupid the times you have got into a 'discussion' with someone or something has been said to you that I can lie awake at night spinning it round in my head. I think the issue with a text response is it can be misinterpreted so easily , I am sure no one sets out to upset anyone but it does happen, I know i don't intend to but can think of numerous occasions where something I have said can be taken that way.

Last night was one of those for me, I said something to someone which was no way intended to be a slight on them but it was taken that way and i can see why. And without going into it the recent events have affected my love for the club, i will still attend games as the time i spend with my Dad is important to me, i hope my love has returned by the time renewal time comes up.

I have been thinking I need to leave this alone for a while, I have asked @David to remove my account which he is doing although I have a cool down period in case i change my mind which i might do i dont know.

For now I am going to log out on all my devices, I will still access the site to read whats going on but as a 'Lurker' only.

I wish I was and hope to have the calm head and sensible approach that @angieram has, hopefully I will one day soon.

Anyway I am just another poster amongst hundreds/thousands, as I said I will keep an eye on things especially @Van Cone De Head and @Mrs Cone as i genuinely have an interest in how Joel is getting on.

Anyway Au Revoir.....and good luck!



11 hours ago, reverendo de duivel said:

I'm so sorry to read this @Paul71, especially as I was the poster who followed up your comment by posting another mindless joke.

I too experienced a fitful night's sleep, which was a suprise to me as initially I pushed back against the reaction, I also realised that nothing I post is worth losing sleep over, and woke determined to make amends.

Please don't leave the forum, it's a much better place with your wisdom and wit than anything I bring to the table, and it would be a shame for others to miss out on that because of shitstorm I created.

@David please accept this as my resignation from the forum, I can't have this on my head too.


Was just about to come on and beg you both to stay.  

Turns out you're both not allowed to leave anyway, so I won't bother!  That way, everybody's happy!  :-)rhyming leonardo dicaprio GIF

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Having a tough time with money at the moment. Work were planning on giving me a significant pay-rise earlier this year, and me and my fiancé decided we could afford for her to drop down to part time hours so she could go and study at college, ready for university next year. Work haven't fulfilled their promise, a big organisation as well, and now we're having to make some big cut backs. Hurts me more because they expecting me to do a job whereby other colleagues are on a much bigger salary with similar responsibilities, and now at home we're having make changes and money is really tight.

I'm not sure where to go or what to do, this has been on-going for a year.   

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Reading the last couple of pages has been sad. Don't know what to say to comfort anyone but it'd be nice if @Paul71 and @reverendo de duivel didn't give up the forum.

Take a step back, sure. Be selective with who you talk to on here

But there's far more bullshittery on other social media and in the real world than on here. The names and faces are anonymous but rather than hide the person it just allows people to be themselves more. 

Stick around. You make this place better for others and it would be nice to not know whatever happened to you.

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My previous incarnation as Needles quit when I was having an especially hard time. I needed it.

I could just have logged out and left it alone for a few months, but that didn't feel right at the time.

All I say to anyone leaving or thinking about it, for whatever reason, is don't be afraid to come back.

At the end of the day, it's about football, and Derby County, and it's supposed to be fun, despite how seriously we all take it sometimes.


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7 hours ago, SouthStandDan said:

Having a tough time with money at the moment. Work were planning on giving me a significant pay-rise earlier this year, and me and my fiancé decided we could afford for her to drop down to part time hours so she could go and study at college, ready for university next year. Work haven't fulfilled their promise, a big organisation as well, and now we're having to make some big cut backs. Hurts me more because they expecting me to do a job whereby other colleagues are on a much bigger salary with similar responsibilities, and now at home we're having make changes and money is really tight.

I'm not sure where to go or what to do, this has been on-going for a year.   


I don't think I can say this without sounding a dick, but I'm going to hope you get it anyway...

I'm comfortably well off, but my missus passed away. I'd reverse those things in a heartbeat.

Life deals harsh cards sometimes; people and employers can be shitbags. You'll get through being skint, so long as you stick together for each other...and then you won't be skint, and you'll be stronger for the shared effort. Good luck SSD.

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@Paul71 the best thing I ever did when I came off my meds was kick the alcohol habit

I was very similar to where your at at the moment. My daughters teacher made a flippant comment to me about using a phone, my head blew it out of proportion and tried to drink myself to death. After quiting the booze, I found it went hand in hand with the aniexty/depressive states. 

Been off both for 6 months, never felt better. Wasn't a massive drinker but it made a huge difference for me

Hope this helps. 


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