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Celtic v Dundee in the US?


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If you don't care you shouldn't have opened this topic in the Football Talk board (the clue is in the title) and not all Celtic fans are pro IRA scum that refuse to wear poppies and boo through minute silences so quiet down.

Now that's out the way the new Dundee owner from Texas and Celtic are in advanced talks over playing this fixture in the US, Boston and Philadelphia the 2 cities suggested.


This is so wrong for football, same as the plans to play a Premier League game abroad. You can blame Sky Sports for ruining football all you like but if the SFA pass this it will only be a matter of time before the PL use this as and the NFL as an example of how successful it can be.

Successful in what way? £££££. That's it. What about the fans?

Look how some Derby fans react when a game gets pushed back to a Monday night, imagine it getting moved to a Saturday night with a 8hr flight to go.

NFL over here at Wembley is a joke, to see football go down the same path would be so sad be it Celtic, Forest, Grimsby or Derby and you can't blame Rupert for this. Blame the football authorities and the clubs. 

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Yup Daveo, its dead wrong. Scottish football is in a bad shape but this sort of thing is not the way to fix it. It's needs to be fun affordable accessible and the game of the people once again. There's sod all free pitches in the east end but a fancy new emerates arena which no bunch of Parkhead weens are ever going to have a kick about in.

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22 minutes ago, Daveo said:

If you don't care you shouldn't have opened this topic in the Football Talk board (the clue is in the title) and not all Celtic fans are pro IRA scum that refuse to wear poppies and boo through minute silences so quiet down.

Now that's out the way the new Dundee owner from Texas and Celtic are in advanced talks over playing this fixture in the US, Boston and Philadelphia the 2 cities suggested.


This is so wrong for football, same as the plans to play a Premier League game abroad. You can blame Sky Sports for ruining football all you like but if the SFA pass this it will only be a matter of time before the PL use this as and the NFL as an example of how successful it can be.

Successful in what way? £££££. That's it. What about the fans?

Look how some Derby fans react when a game gets pushed back to a Monday night, imagine it getting moved to a Saturday night with a 8hr flight to go.

NFL over here at Wembley is a joke, to see football go down the same path would be so sad be it Celtic, Forest, Grimsby or Derby and you can't blame Rupert for this. Blame the football authorities and the clubs. 

NFL being over here is completely different, and an unsurprising comment coming from someone who repeatedly bashes the sport. 

The whole mantra of American sports is completely different. They don't have a division structure, they have a franchise model where teams can be picked up and moved at a moments notice. They are used to expansions for these reasons. Having a team 8 hours away is no different to opposite coasts for them. Fans are fully aware of the business side of things. 

The reason it is so completely wrong for our football is the opposite of the above. 

Our football is tribal. Teams don't move, they're the fabric of communities through generations. You can't just move away from them. Look at MK Dons, no one forgets that, nor likes it. And despite their success they still struggle for support. 

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3 minutes ago, Srg said:

NFL being over here is completely different, and an unsurprising comment coming from someone who repeatedly bashes the sport. 

The whole mantra of American sports is completely different. They don't have a division structure, they have a franchise model where teams can be picked up and moved at a moments notice. They are used to expansions for these reasons. Having a team 8 hours away is no different to opposite coasts for them. Fans are fully aware of the business side of things. 

The reason it is so completely wrong for our football is the opposite of the above. 

Our football is tribal. Teams don't move, they're the fabric of communities through generations. You can't just move away from them. Look at MK Dons, no one forgets that, nor likes it. And despite their success they still struggle for support. 

The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC).

American being the keyword here, it's an American sports league and has no place in this country. 

Green Bay Packers are due to play over here, they are one of the founding members of the NFL right with the same name in the same location....

The Packers have an exceptionally loyal fan base. Regardless of team performance, every game played in Green Bay has been sold out since 1960

They also have one of the longest season ticket waiting lists in professional sports, 86,000 names long, more than there are seats at Lambeau Field. The average wait is said to be over 30 years, but with only 90 or so tickets turned over annually it would be 955 years before the newest name on the list got theirs.

So you have a team that has sold out every game since 1960, a wait of over 30 years for a season ticket yet they are to announce playing games over here? That is wrong. Franchise or no franchise.

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21 minutes ago, Srg said:

Fans are fully aware of the business side of things.  

From a Packers forum....


I don't mind watching a game at 10 AM Eastern Time as long as the Packers aren't in it.


I don't know the whole rights and what not to the CFL, but if the NFL wanted to go international, they should've tried putting a Canadian team first. We are pretty close to them, we already have other sports who have teams in Canada. I think Canada would embrace a NFL Team as well.


I agree with the previous posters who think Canada should be experimented with first. There would be so many logistical problems with the London team. There are successful franchises in the NBA and MLB in Toronto that have been there for quite some time, I don't see why the NFL doesn't try a team there first. If they are concerned with taking away from Buffalo's market, why not try Montreal? It's a city of 1.6 million people (and a metro area of 3.8), already with a CFL team. Toronto and Montreal are by far the largest cities in Canada, and would come without the logistical nightmare that a London based team would have. Toronto/Montreal would be a good location to try the sport in an international market, and if it's successful there, then maybe branch out further.


Why do people think we want a team in London ??


I don't understand the fixation the NFL has on London. I don't get it.


I cant be 100% certain, but I would say MOST European football fans don`t want it, or would support it. We already HAVE our favourite teams.


I don't think most people do, but the NFL does, and it's not because the population may want it, it's because they want to expand their brand and make more money. The same reason they try and jam soccer down our throats over here.


And it simply wont work. British and European fans might enjoy going to yearly games, but we ALL follow our own chosen team. I used to go regularly, but in the past few years it`s more an afterthought. I speak personally but I am a Packer fan, and I wouldn`t WANT to follow any other team full stop.


Personally, I have my doubts that the NFL will gain in popularity enough to cause expansion outside the USA. Reciprocally, I have no rooting interest in soccer or F1 racing. Hooray for those that do. But those sports will do just fine without me as a fan and the NFL will do just fine without having any of their teams based outside the USA.


Exactly. Expansion to London makes no sense given the travel time. I suppose the NFL does it for a good reason (for the NFL), and that's money.


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I agree with everything you've said in regards to our Football and the Celtic/Dundee fiasco. 

However, and I'd rather the topic didn't dwell on this as it's not the point of the discussion, but I watch and follow the NFL and spend a lot of time with Americans and other than a tiny minority I haven't heard anyone upset about the "international series" as they call it.

Generally, fans of teams that are not usually included (like the Packers) are excited by it. It's a chance for their beloved team to perform a showcase for a whole new potential barrel of fans, and also an excuse for the fans to go to London when many of them have never left the states.


EDIT: Clearly the Packers forum disagrees with me, which I am surprised by but fair enough. Different cultures I guess, other historically stable teams have been OK with it. Maybe the international series has lost a lot of it's 'magic' now it's on so often. It's been a while since a really big team was there, the Falcons were OK I guess.


For a big, stable team like the Packers the international series would usually have been an away game anyway and as Srg said that's not a short trip in itself most of the time.

The teams who give up their home games are the franchises that move around a lot anyway.


Back to Dundee/Celtic;

I think this would be a terrible idea for all reasons suggested, and also in hindsight I don't think it would succeed from a business perspective.  The MLS is genuinely, generally, of a higher standard than the Scottish League so I'm not sure what it would achieve on any level. Other than give the fans of the clubs a chance to go on holiday. A chance most of them would turn down.

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Staying on NFL just for a minute, is it a tiny minority or just a tiny minority of people you have read?....



Clearly fans are not happy over there and rightly so. 

I've also been looking at Celtic fans and quite a few are unbelievably behind the idea! It's hard to tell if this is due to them having a global fan base and seeing ££££ 

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1 hour ago, Daveo said:

Staying on NFL just for a minute, is it a tiny minority or just a tiny minority of people you have read?....



Clearly fans are not happy over there and rightly so. 

I've also been looking at Celtic fans and quite a few are unbelievably behind the idea! It's hard to tell if this is due to them having a global fan base and seeing ££££ 

Note on the first article - if it wasn't a home match, it wouldn't have been thought about. It's more an annoyance that Chiefs fans lose a home game off their season ticket, rather than annoyance about it being here. It's a double whammy, as NFL seasons are less than half the length of the Premier League - 16 games, 8 home, 8 away. Expanding the season would negate this, but apparently players don't want it.

What a surprise, football fans here don't like it when Sky move games from Sat 3pm, handegg fans aren't going to be any different. The reason behind the early start was to give TV another game. What half fan wouldn't want to see 4 games in one day? NFLs own version of Super Sat/Sunday, where there's 3 games in a day.


Estimation of 13m AmFootball fans in the UK. Any business would tap into that kinda market, one-fifth of the population. I don't think 13m people in the US would be interested in Celtic vs. Dundee, much less stuffing 80,000 in a stadium to watch it.

I can understand the hatred for it - and I certainly don't think a London-based franchise should happen - but apart from teams like JAX and Dolphins who are here most series, it happens to teams once in a few years.  If Derby were to play one game abroad every 5 years, would so many of us be in anything but mock outrage?

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Even if Derby were to play one game outside the UK every 20 years it's still not right. We're Derby County, we play our home games in Derby. 

As soon as fans start accepting this football is heading down a slippery path. One game becomes 2 games, 2 becomes 3, move Derby County to London.

We've had foreign owners over here trying to change club colours, club names, all for branding or superstitions, where does it end?

I can't believe any fan of any sport can be happy about games being moved abroad.


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I would gladly take Derby playing all their games in the US of A....preferably st Pete Florida.

seriously though, if they took Celtic v Dundee and played it in Boston they would sell it out 10 times over and let's be totally honest no one would care, Celtic will play Dundee at least another 3 times that season, maybe more, the league up there is totally dead, the most boring, predictable and pointless league in the world, take a few games away and play them in the states it is just about the only way to make it even slightly more interesting, but even then...I very much doubt it will help. 

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Dundee fans would care. You could also say the Bundesliga just as predictable and pointless if you are talking about Celtic walking it each season. 

Moving it to the States wouldn't make it anymore interesting than it already is, whilst it may be pretty boring for fans outside of Scotland I'm sure it means as much to the fans up there as the Championship does to us and they will see this league being boring.


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1 minute ago, AnimalisaRam said:

Okay, bad example. What about FIFAs Club World Cup? Competed for in Japan. Sure - Derby are never likely to get there, but what if we did? 

Yet another bad example. The competition has always been played in different countries since it was started, the clue is in the title.

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