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Mourinho is off the FA's Xmas card list


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I'm glad the English media has finally seen through the act. It took them long enough. He has a huge chip on his shoulder, especially when it comes to the style of football his teams play. I can only imagine that's the reason for his embarrassing vendettas against Wenger and Guardiola.

I still think Chelsea will rally and finish in the top 4, but as others have said, it will be because of the quality of the players provided by Abramovic's millions rather than great management from Mourinho.

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Looks like he won't be getting one from Eva either.....


Jose Mourinho is to be the subject of individual legal action from former Chelsea team doctor Eva Carneiro.

It means the Chelsea boss will have to appear at an employment tribunal unless there is an out of court settlement.

Carneiro was dropped from first-team duties after Mourinho said she was "naive" for treating Eden Hazard during a draw with Swansea.

Her lawyers are already suing the club for constructive dismissal.

The legal papers are expected to be served on Mourinho this week as part of separate, but connected, claims against him and against the club.

The doctor's lawyers said neither she nor they could comment as the legal proceedings are active, while Chelsea have also not commented on the case.

The individual legal claim against Mourinho means Carneiro's lawyers are alleging he was instrumental in Carneiro's apparent demotion.

Read more: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/34699394

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It is said that when you are in a hole you should stop digging, but not Mourinho, he keeps shoveling away.  His lack of judgment seems to stem from his overblown ego.  If Ferguson operated in some ways like a clever gangster, Mourinho in comparison is the mad dictator, alone and misunderstood by all the incompetents below and around him.  Defending that cynical thug Costa and firing a physio for doing her job has not done him any favors.  Folks don't want to hear complaints of FA and ref bullying from him because he's played his cards all wrong.  Will he learn from this?  Don't hold your breath.  Will probably trot off soon to Spain or wherever he came from telling tall tales of English injustice and PL mediocrity.

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