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The world will end on 21st September and not because of Sky Sports


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After doing some research there seems to be a lot of theories about what is going to happen in September, the asteroid theory seems to be the most popular but here are some other crazy theories by others that caught my attention:

1) In September when the pope meets Obama in September he will declare that God is false, that aliens created us as slaves and a full scale alien invasion is imminent, many believe that will be the deception talked about in the bible to lead people away from God and that these "aliens" are demons sent by Satan.

2) The American dollar will fall and the martial law will be declared after jade helm is finished in order for  the new world order to commence

3) The world wide economy will collapse and there will be a global recession, a lot worse than the one we saw a few years ago.

4) America will be destroyed by a huge tsunami for rejecting God and they are the whore of babylon stated in the bible

5) Isis will behead the queen which will trigger the start of world war 3

6) The antichrist will start his reign but will first appear as a saviour , perhaps in disguise of Jesus as he will single handedly stops ww3 from commencing

7) The rapture will take place

8) It will be revealed that Isis captured MH370 and will fire a nuke equipped with a plane into a highly popular area causing mass destruction but there are differing views as to where this will hit, some people are saying palestine whilst some are saying into the USA.

As you can see lots of crazy theories , a lot of them by religious nuts, and I'm pretty confident that none of them will happen. The most likely one out of that list I guess is the world wide economy collapse with the situation in China but I think that will eventually sort itself out. I'm more worried that people spent time to create these theories in the first place.

And for every one of these there will be someone writing to the Daily Mail to blame it on the last Labour government......the one that hasn't been in power for 5 years (and counting).

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back on point - any chance that Sky Sports will end on September 21st? perhaps as that Jim bloke together with all those daft bimbos spontaneously combust on the last night of the transfer window.

Deadline days have been terrible since they got rid of the fans' reactions to signing a player behind the reporters

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back on point - any chance that Sky Sports will end on September 21st? perhaps as that Jim bloke together with all those daft bimbos spontaneously combust on the last night of the transfer window.

Funnily enough I has SSN on until Jim White came on trying to sound important, had to give it the bullet as I think he is a lousy presenter at the best of times, transfer deadline day brings out the absolute fuckwittery in him.

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Deadline days have been terrible since they got rid of the fans' reactions to signing a player behind the reporters Arry hanging out of his 4x4


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Funnily enough I has SSN on until Jim White came on trying to sound important, had to give it the bullet as I think he is a lousy presenter at the best of times, transfer deadline day brings out the absolute fuckwittery in him.

The other thing that is doing my nut on SSN (not that i meant to turn this into a Sky rant) is Goals Express, which a) is not particularly express and b) spends more time examining tweets from other players on a selection of topics rather than goals

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The other thing that is doing my nut on SSN (not that i meant to turn this into a Sky rant) is Goals Express, which a) is not particularly express and b) spends more time examining tweets from other players on a selection of topics rather than goals

Ha I've noticed that myself. If I wanted to see their social media reaction I would look myself, lazy journalism imo.

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Earth will be destroyed in four weeks as a giant asteroid heads towards our planet, it has been claimed.

Conspiracy theorists claim that the world will be destroyed upon its arrival between September 21 and 28."

Cant they be a bit more precise. After all, if they can calcucalate the trajectory, they must know when it will hit, give or take a few seconds. I reckon it's all guess work.

Will my insurance still be valid?

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Earth will be destroyed in four weeks as a giant asteroid heads towards our planet, it has been claimed.

Conspiracy theorists claim that the world will be destroyed upon its arrival between September 21 and 28."

Cant they be a bit more precise. After all, if they can calcucalate the trajectory, they must know when it will hit, give or take a few seconds. I reckon it's all guess work.

Will my insurance still be valid?

utter shambles.

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thank god for that, do we have time to moan about Keogh before we all go ?

Yes, because Sir Jake has launched himself into outer space using only knicker elastic harvested from his adoring female fans. Furthermore he has now lassoed the asteroid with said knicker elastic and he is now using the asteroid as a yoyo.

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Earth will be destroyed in four weeks as a giant asteroid heads towards our planet, it has been claimed.

Conspiracy theorists claim that the world will be destroyed upon its arrival between September 21 and 28."

Cant they be a bit more precise. After all, if they can calcucalate the trajectory, they must know when it will hit, give or take a few seconds. I reckon it's all guess work.

Will my insurance still be valid?

Probably not, they'll use the 'Act of God' clause to avoid paying up.

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*** Free pen and vouchers subject to a 28 day delivery period.

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And for every one of these there will be someone writing to the Daily Mail to blame it on the last Labour government......the one that hasn't been in power for 5 years (and counting).

Its not the ones who write in we need to worry about, its the ******** readers who believe it!

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thank god for that, do we have time to moan about Keogh before we all go ?

Absolutely, because as usual this is all his fault.

After all, everyone knows a good Keogh performance is a sign of the apocalypse. The way he's started this season, we're long overdue.

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what price is the world  coming to an end 21st of Sept..?   think i.ll have 20k on it  if i can get  5/1  ....    has the end of the world been linked with us  ...?

Nixon says so.

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