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Burglar Alarm Owners


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Have you given neighbours a key fob or access  key to turn your alarm off if it goes off?

If no why not? You realise it's pissing everyone off on your street who's trying to sleep. Oh but as good neighbours I guess I should put some clothes on and look around your house through the windows looking for tooled up burglars.

If you have given them just a key fob, what is the point of the alarm? It's great they can turn it off but do they then ring the Police to check out your house? And what if they are out as well?

Given your neighbour a key to gain access? Great, you expect your neighbour to walk into a house where tooled up burglars could be and defend your house putting their life on the line.

Most of the time it's probably a false alarm, triggered by a fly or the cat, nobody can be burgled as much as this tit on my street, the amount this alarm goes off he can't have anything left to rob.

House alarms are pointless. They are nothing but a sleep deterrent for your neighbours and in their current form should be banned, pulled down and inserted up their rectums.

Sorry if you think I'm a **** neighbour, I just value my life more than their possessions. 

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Dragons Den idea here.

A camera lense within the sensor, when the sensor is triggered the camera takes a still photo, this is then sent to the owners phone.

Alarm Activated



The owner is then given 2 options, disable alarm, call Police. If the notification isn't seen in 5 minutes, the 2nd, 3rd etc. people on your network are alerted.

This isn't CCTV recording 24/7, just a still photo taken which covers the sensors range.

Something like this may exist already so forget it but it's a bloody good idea right? Make it affordable and that's a great system.

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Sith Happens

Dragons Den idea here.

A camera lense within the sensor, when the sensor is triggered the camera takes a still photo, this is then sent to the owners phone.

Alarm Activated



The owner is then given 2 options, disable alarm, call Police. If the notification isn't seen in 5 minutes, the 2nd, 3rd etc. people on your network are alerted.

This isn't CCTV recording 24/7, just a still photo taken which covers the sensors range.

Something like this may exist already so forget it but it's a bloody good idea right? Make it affordable and that's a great system.

You can buy a webcam online that will do just this, one of the remote ones so you can put them anywhere in your house and set them up to send you an email if they detect motion. You can buy one for less than £50.

Ive got one in a cupboard somewhere, keep meaning to set it up but think they are a bit fiddly to do, need to pair it to your wireless network and so on.

Probably dont even need an alarm system, which as you said doesnt do any good, people tend to ignore them, just like they used to when car alarms became popular.

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