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Marquee Player/Manager


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As a designer (even though I'm currently in mechanical design) I would definitely get umms and arrs over that graphic if it was put forward.

Similar to a medical company my company worked with briefly hued one of their graphics to the colour of the company, to a sort of green-scale. So a person in the graphic appeared green. Didn't seem out of place, got through their marketing etc. until it was pointed out to them that their company sells machines that produce radiation. At which case it got a bit "what are you implying?"

When I say similar, I mean you're not actually offending anyone really, but people think in different ways and you should definitely try to avoid being accidentally provocative - I don't presume to think whoever designed it is racist, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out they got complaints over it.

Yeah I know people will complain but people need to start defending themselves a bit rather than caving in at the first opportunity. Your radiation story might be different but people are always crying racism.

If I designed that I'd say to any of my colleagues who complained that they were being culturally inappropriate by demanding that culturally accepted, traditional black and white images be stricken from our consciousness and that the word monochrome should be redefined to include brown. I'd then ask why they didn't think monochrome should include pink and if they ever complained that the image at the start of James Bond films where he shoots at the camera had a black faced Bond. And if the answer was no I'd ask why they were so racist and tell them I'm reporting them to HR.

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Yeah I know people will complain but people need to start defending themselves a bit rather than caving in at the first opportunity. Your radiation story might be different but people are always crying racism.

If I designed that I'd say to any of my colleagues who complained that they were being cultuarally inappropriate by demanding that culturally accepted, traditional black and white images be stricken from our consciousness and that the word monochrome should be redefined to include brown. I'd then ask why they didn't think monochrome should include pink and if they ever complained that the image at the start of James Bond films where he shoots at the camera had a black faced Bond. And if the answer was no I'd ask why they were so racist and tell them I'm reporting them to HR.

It is an odd one, trying to cope with the mindsets of millions. A lot of people look for trouble, especially racism, where there isn't any. In fact a huge amount of complaints of "implied" racism are from members of a majority thinking the minority in question should be offended. 

I was looking at that entirely from a Devil's advocate point of view, as is my job at a lot of meetings, but I agree with you entirely. Personally though I'd have just used a photo :lol:

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Out of interest how many player/managers play themselves (not in that way)

I can only remember them not playing themselves

Nigel Clough played himself occasionally at Burton once he became player/manager didn't he? Seem to remember hearing about him scoring now and again.

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Cant remember tbh but http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/nigel-clough/profil/trainer/4374 say he was only in charge for 2 games...... unless this mean he only played 2 games

I thought he was player-manager the whole time he was at Burton? (starting 1998) That's what my memory (although I was but a boy my Uncle was a huge Burton fan) and the wikipedia says

LOL that TM page lol, Clough was at Burton for 10 years! 

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I thought he was player-manager the whole time he was at Burton? (starting 1998) That's what my memory (although I was but a boy my Uncle was a huge Burton fan) and the wikipedia says

LOL that TM page lol, Clough was at Burton for 10 years! 

I thought so too but weren't they Conference... Maybe that's why it isn't registered but Im sure we got him when he established them in League 2

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I thought so too but weren't they Conference... Maybe that's why it isn't registered but Im sure we got him when he established them in League 2

No, the stats say 98/99 when they were in the southern premier. He got Burton promoted a couple of times. Weird stat assembly.

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I thought it was a good site :lol:

Funny, Burton were in the Southern Premier but in the Northern pot for the FA Cup

Transfermarkt is a good site, not 100% accurate but always in a ballpark for things such as value. You have to take the stats with a pitch of salt though, they only seem to register certain types of games in their stats logs and often miss some things out. 

Better to use whoscored for stats I find, but they don't go back as far as that.

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As a designer (even though I'm currently in mechanical design) I would definitely get umms and arrs over that graphic if it was put forward.

Similar to a medical company my company worked with briefly hued one of their graphics to the colour of the company, to a sort of green-scale. So a person in the graphic appeared green. Didn't seem out of place, got through their marketing etc. until it was pointed out to them that their company sells machines that produce radiation. At which case it got a bit "what are you implying?"

When I say similar, I mean you're not actually offending anyone really, but people think in different ways and you should definitely try to avoid being accidentally provocative - I don't presume to think whoever designed it is racist, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out they got complaints over it.

I designed something once where everything had a purple hew. 

There was a comic strip with a kid on it. Just one kid was the main star of the comic strip, he didn't even interact with any other humans. 

It got binned because the kid didn't show ethnic diversity. 

I was thinking, even if he'd have been white, there is only one kid, he can only be one colour. But he's not even white, he's purple. So the fact that you're seeing him as white is because you're white, someone who is Asian would see him as Asian. It's actually the perfect solution.

But clients are mostly idiots. 

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