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Google Fail!


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Google says it is "appalled" that its new Photos app mistakenly labelled a black couple as being "gorillas".

Its product automatically tags uploaded pictures using its own artificial intelligence software.

The error was brought to its attention by a New York-based software developer who was one of the people pictured in the photos involved.

"This is 100% not OK," tweeted Google executive Yonatan Zunger after being contacted by Jacky Alcine.

"[It was] high on my list of bugs you 'never' want to see happen."

Mr Zunger said Google had already taken steps to avoid others experiencing a similar mistake. 

He added it was "also working on longer-term fixes around both linguistics - words to be careful about in photos of people - and image recognition itself - eg better recognition of dark-skinned faces".

This is not the first time Google Photos has mislabelled one species as another.

The news site iTech Post noted that the app was tagging pictures of dogs as horses in May.

Users are able to remove badly identified photo classifications within the app, which should help it improve its accuracy over time - a technology known as machine learning.

However, Google has acknowledged the sensitivity of the latest mistake.

"We're appalled and genuinely sorry that this happened," a spokeswoman told the BBC.

"We are taking immediate action to prevent this type of result from appearing.

"There is still clearly a lot of work to do with automatic image labelling, and we're looking at how we can prevent these types of mistakes from happening in the future."





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Tricky stuff, character recognition software. There might be 26 letters in the English language but a huge number of fonts, styles of writing and so on. Even trickier is image recognition software, and at the end of the day it can only give an interpretation based upon the programming and its ability to re-interpret from stored images.

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Tricky stuff, character recognition software. There might be 26 letters in the English language but a huge number of fonts, styles of writing and so on. Even trickier is image recognition software, and at the end of the day it can only give an interpretation based upon the programming and its ability to re-interpret from stored images.

yes, the computer is basically a child learning. It's like your 4 year old saying 'daddy, why does that man look like a gorilla'. It's completely innocent. It's not like you make it right by harshly chastising the child in front of the guy. You just get really embarrassed, take it on the chin, and make sure you give the kid a good beating when you get home. Or, you know, explain it to them, or something, whatever you thinks best. 

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yes, the computer is basically a child learning. It's like your 4 year old saying 'daddy, why does that man look like a gorilla'. It's completely innocent. It's not like you make it right by harshly chastising the child in front of the guy. You just get really embarrassed, take it on the chin, and make sure you give the kid a good beating when you get home. Or, you know, explain it to them, or something, whatever you thinks best. 

I was 3 (actual age, not mental age like now), and my mum took me with her to Gillingham for the weekly shop. One of her friends, Mrs Brown, bumped into us in town (all the usual "Ooh, he's getting to be a big boy now" nonsense). I looked her up and down and said to my mum "Mrs Brown hasn't got two faces".

I had what is colloquially known as a 'hot bottom' for a week.

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I hate the big "G" more than anything on Earth, its probably more technology they bought into and its backfired the fools, next thing they are doing is you can now bypass just-eat and hungry house and buy direct from google, they have no barriers and morals and I hope they crash and burn for this latest gaff !!!

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