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Darragh MacAnthony not happy.....with Fawaz?


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And still Fawaz can do no wrong in most of their fans eyes on LTLF!


Apparently MacAnthony is a tw4t and unprofessional for going to Twitter to slate another chairman/club...

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And still Fawaz can do no wrong in most of their fans eyes on LTLF!

Apparently MacAnthony is a tw4t and unprofessional for going to Twitter to slate another chairman/club...

Didn't Chelsea do it last year bit not on twitter in the papers.

If Fawaz ain't answering his what is he supposed to do.

Forest fans really are idiots

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Do we believe the Posh chairman tweeted BS to placate his own fans, or do we believe forest are not paying on time?


It's probably more muddy than that. Like he's been sent a postal order made out for substantially less than agreed in the wrong name.....


Answers on a tree stump everybody....


Second post can be sometimes a bit late - the Post Office are still struggling with the Christmas backlog.

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In the past when the gumps haven't paid on time, the league gave them a transfer embargo (on the quiet). If this is true (and they've got a lot of form) then an embargo doesn't hurt them as they've already got one, so the player's registration should be suspended until they pay up. It's not fair on the other teams in the league who play by the rules.


On second thoughts, how about a points deduction?

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I actually don't have the heart to dig out the laughing chimp again - I honestly think that we are witnessing the start of an impending implosion at Nottingham Forest. The CEO walking (and not just over the dismissal of Physco) coupled with the non-payment to Peterborough, rumours of non-payments to other clubs, the fact that one of Fridgy's assistants is doing things he shouldn't be doing from an administrative perspective - it all sounds a little too familiar to those of us who witnessed the Amigos era.

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To be fair, I really like Stoners, Dawny and the other Forest guys who post on here, and who can blame them for so doing. I very rarely look on the dark side, but thought I would have a look tonight at the informed view of the LTLF on this subject. Frankly, they are arsewipes - I would say 80% of them think it highly amusing that their club have not paid Peterborough and supposedly loan monies are still owed to Hull and Palace too. Many think it is what Peterborough deserve! I am pleased I post on a civilised forum where the vast majority, almost without exception, know the difference between right and wrong.

That forum fan base, is an equal embarrassment as their Chairman, to what is a great club. I hope that the Football League throws the book at them and docks points - 10 points would seem to the going rate as this is the usual penalty for not paying debts as they fall due. I also hope that no other club consider loaning them any more players, or doing transfer deals in the future unless it is cash up front.

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And still Fawaz can do no wrong in most of their fans eyes on LTLF!

Apparently MacAnthony is a tw4t and unprofessional for going to Twitter to slate another chairman/club...

Fawaz went on twitter to discuss his managers future.

Bye Forest.

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I think most of us know Forest fans in real life, and they're just human like the rest of us. It's not their fault any more than Maxwell or the 3 amigos were our fault.



Like I said in the other thread, I can't laugh at this anymore. I love watching the gumps lose games as much as the next guy, but this is more than losing games of football. This man is making a mockery of football and of Nottingham Forest Football Club. He's an embarrassment to the game. I hope Forest get rid of him and turn around their fortunes a bit (but not too much eh?  ;) )

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I hope he takes them out of business and they have to start over in non league.

I don't know. I can see a future wherever actually end up helping them out, as a fan base, to get rid of Fawaz. It will be considered a beautiful moment in football. Rival fans coming together for the greater good. And we will forever have the moral high ground. Nottingham Forest will always be indebted to us, the club that we saved. They'd absolutely hate that.

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See, I find it hard to feel sorry for Forest fans when Fawaz has been like this since day 1 and they've been up his arse the whole time. Not seen much concern about his antics. Even when you question Forest fans I've not seen one willing to discuss he might not be the messiah.

They think they have this brilliant squad (that's been mismanaged 5(?) times). They think they've got the power of a country behind them. They think because he says he doesn't like Derby and he went to a pub with a few of them that he's also one of the lads.

Well the time of realisation is long past. I don't want them to lose their club. But I'd happily see the East Midlands Derby being Mickleover Sports v Forest.

Some of the bizarre things that they haven't even worried about. Buying Djebbour when they loaned him. Winding up orders and late payments here there and everywhere. Not a mathematician amongst them to add it all up.

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