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Here's what will happen:


If QPR finish in the bottom 3, the Premier league will allow them to stay in the Premier league, thus effectively raising the drawbridge. This will, in turn, cause a revolt amongst the more ambitious clubs in the championship, who will threaten and eventually carry out, a breakaway to form Premier League 2. The whole thing will be carefully engineered and manipulated by Scudamore and his cronies and English football will take one step closer to the precipice.


Money doesn't talk, it swears.

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I have no feelings of hatred towards QPR after Wembley - they had a game plan, limited us effectively and grabbed a sucker punch. But if they don't pay up and refuse, then there needs to be huge consequences. Otherwise FFP will fail. And we'll see more clubs coming down from prem spending extortionate amounts in average players. And that scares me as it will ruin the game!

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It's funny that, had they lost, all they would have faced would have been a transfer embargo, which is not nice, but survivable. Instead, they've been promoted, so they potentially face being kicked out of the league altogether.

They could yet rue Zamora's goal far more than we do.

It's a shame they're fine can't be spread among the clubs on the league. Would it have been the whole league, or just the championship? That could have been about

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It will be interesting to see what happens, my father in law (qpr fan) says he's heard they will go to court,string it out and plea bargain in the end for a 'payable amount' over time...he believes the squad is strong enough to stay up,so it shouldn't be a problem..

If they do get relegated, then the money will be deducted from parachute payments...either way, it wont end the club.

If that's what does happen, I feel others will risk it subsequently,as losing money you've never really had doesn't hurt anything like as much if you know its coming and plan.....

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It's funny that, had they lost, all they would have faced would have been a transfer embargo, which is not nice, but survivable. Instead, they've been promoted, so they potentially face being kicked out of the league altogether.

They could yet rue Zamora's goal far more than we do.

It's a shame they're fine can't be spread among the clubs on the league. Would it have been the whole league, or just the championship? That could have been about

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