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So is all addiction a medical condition ?

it's an illness with no cure.... Have to manage it.

With my addiction, gambling.... My medicine is GA and talking and listening to other people of the same ilk... Seven and half years without a bet and going strong. Day at a time

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it's an illness with no cure.... Have to manage it.

With my addiction, gambling.... My medicine is GA and talking and listening to other people of the same ilk... Seven and half years without a bet and going strong. Day at a time

Please do not take this the wrong way, and before Eddie jumps in, to me an illness is something you catch, not something that is self inflicted, and can be avoided.

I used to be a gambler I have had a few

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Doesn't it develop into an illness when you get to the point when you know it's time to stop but can't?

Maybe, but I find it hard to differentiate between can't and don't want to.

Another personal thing I can relate to is smoking, I used to smoke until I was 25ish , around say 20 a day, then one night, in the pub I suddenly said no more, I had a few ciggie's left in a packet, that I gave to a mate , and I have never had one since , 46 years ago.

PS Wish I could do the same with crisps , biscuits , and milk , then maybe I would not be 17 stone.

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Gambling is an addiction and is something that can be helped by one's peers.The same goes for smoking.I for one never plan to start smoking so therefore I do not have to worry about quitting.

On the other side,alcoholism is not a disease or a chemical imbalance but rather an addictiom in and of itself.As a psychology major I am familar with addiction and mental illness.Addiction can become a medical condition if it adversely effects one's everyday life.

AA and other similar support groups are quite useful,but support from one's own family is just as important.

In regards to depression,it is more of an emotional state rather than a disease.

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Please do not take this the wrong way, and before Eddie jumps in, to me an illness is something you catch, not something that is self inflicted, and can be avoided.

I used to be a gambler I have had a few

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No offence taken. I understand where you coming from.

All I thought about was gambling 24/7.... Wasn't even about the money.... Just the fix/buzz to bet. It's a illness to me....


That's my story. The very first blog entry if your interested :)

Just read your blog entries mate.They are very enlightening and heart-felt.I agree that taking it one day and step at a time is key in overcoming any kind of addiction.Great that you have found ways to overcome your addiction.

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Just read your blog entries mate.They are very enlightening and heart-felt.I agree that taking it one day and step at a time is key in overcoming any kind of addiction.Great that you have found ways to overcome your addiction.

Thankyou very much :)
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Aa a psychology major would you say psychological dependency rather than addiction?

Essentially both.People can become psychologically dependent on doing something such as gambling to increase their self-esteem,etc.The same goes for smoking especially for teens in that smoking helps them fit in,peer pressure being the way it is they may also feel that smoking is the only way they can deal with stress in their lives.All of these things lead to an addiction which in and of itself becomes more about craving doing something rather than any said 'benefits' in their mind it may have for the person.

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Please do not take this the wrong way, and before Eddie jumps in, to me an illness is something you catch, not something that is self inflicted, and can be avoided.

I used to be a gambler I have had a few

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True enough Gboro. Parkinsons and Alzheimers are mental disorders that just occur in people and essentially everyone is susceptible.You are born with Aspergers or Autism.As someone who has volunteered extensively at mental health clinics,I can attest to how disastrous mental disorders really are for a person's psyche.

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