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It's just opinions in the end, wonder do you feel the same for the people you see staggering around Derby with their cider bottle in their pocket , would you go out of your way to help them..

Exactly the same.... Of course I have and would. Addiction is a classless illness....
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If Gazza's drink problems are the same as my problem with the cigarettes, I feel for the guy.


In my teens to mid twenties I reckon I smoked more ganja than Bob Marley but within a fortnight of our first son being born, I gave it up completely, haven't touched it for 22 years.


Used to drink quite heavy when I played for a pub darts team, it started to become a problem, knocked it on the head.


Fags, tried hypnotherapy at 250 quid, patches, e-cigs, capsules, cold turkey, just can't seem to stop, don't know what it is, weakness, addiction, fear of something, God knows but I'm having a hell of a job packing them in. I've given up trying for the time being but I'll have another crack again no doubt.


Maybe Gazza's the same with drink, full of good intentions but just can't/won't let it go.  Hope he does one day.

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I feel sorry for the guy. You have to remember that for the majority of football players, Football is all they have. And like some have said Gazza was the best English player In the last 20+ years (But obviously wasn't the sharpest knife in the draw) And I can imagine the most part is down to nostalgia, Havin it all to having nothing. Some players can handle it, Some cant and Gazza definitely can't. I hope he recovers but I just can't see it happen.

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His choice to make himself a pi ss head, no sympathy ,sorry but he had everything, can not make the usually excuses, broken home, abuse etc .


You really haven't got a clue, have you?

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If Gazza's drink problems are the same as my problem with the cigarettes, I feel for the guy.

In my teens to mid twenties I reckon I smoked more ganja than Bob Marley but within a fortnight of our first son being born, I gave it up completely, haven't touched it for 22 years.

Used to drink quite heavy when I played for a pub darts team, it started to become a problem, knocked it on the head.

Fags, tried hypnotherapy at 250 quid, patches, e-cigs, capsules, cold turkey, just can't seem to stop, don't know what it is, weakness, addiction, fear of something, God knows but I'm having a hell of a job packing them in. I've given up trying for the time being but I'll have another crack again no doubt.

Maybe Gazza's the same with drink, full of good intentions but just can't/won't let it go. Hope he does one day.

Alan Carr book mate, it's worked for a few of my mates and my mam! Sadly I've got no intention of giving up.

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Seperate industries do my head in - and government for that matter. They say to 'drink\gamble responsibly' but fookin constantly push it on us via the media, to obviously recoup the taxes.

They really don't give a shyt who it affects. Just show me the money.


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So you say .


I mean about alcoholism. Many people say "well, they are weak and bring it on to themselves, so they will get no help or sympathy from me. If they cannot help themselves why should I be bothered?"


The best piece of advice I could give anyone is read Paul McGrath's book, "Back From The Brink".

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Addiction or addicted is one of those words like depressed we use too lightly and lose the real meaning.

Oh he's addicted to that game

Oh he's a bit depressed lately

And both depression and alcoholism are diseases, despite what people say.

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Alan Carr book mate, it's worked for a few of my mates and my mam! Sadly I've got no intention of giving up.

I forgot that Private, read that an' all. 


My wife read it first and she's been packed up 8 years now. I fear the truth of the matter is I've got no intention of giving up either, it's just you admit you've got no intention and I don't.


Anyway, must dash, time for a fag.  ;)

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As well as talent and a lovely family!

I doubt that pure talent by itself makes people happy. I know some talented people and all of them have their problems. I don't know how lovely his family is. Not all family dynamics work.

I do get that he had things not everybody got. But I'm sure he has had a lot of problems too.

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I doubt that pure talent by itself makes people happy. I know some talented people and all of them have their problems. I don't know how lovely his family is. Not all family dynamics work.

I do get that he had things not everybody got. But I'm sure he has had a lot of problems too.


His former wife has always struck me as an exceptionally nice person. After he beat her up so badly she has still tried to support him.


From reading his book he has had deep issues from a very young age which have got worse and worse.


Unfortunately, there are probably hundreds of thousands of other poor souls who have not an onze of the support he has.

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