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I'll tell you what, this Christie lad...


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No talking specifically about the idiot comments about Dawkins, which continued throughout the second half until he was substituted. I'm talking about the crazies who were suggesting in turn that:


"Martin is lazy"

"Martin should be dropped"

"Martin is utter rubbish"

"Martin didn't score in the playoff final"

"Martin scores"

<Leaves thread>


It was probably past their bed time Ed

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re the deal, met a guy connected to CCFC on the train on the way back after the Rotherham game and he said Cov really didn't want to lose him, blamed his agent for the departure and his form last season (filling his head with ideas and taking his mind off the game) and said they'd received (or will receive) around 600k plus extras.  make of that what you will...


I've thought he looked solid in both games so far, very pleased with the lad.

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There's only one thing with Christie. My dad has now taken to calling him Miley Cyrus every damn time he's talking about him. It wasn't funny the first time.


Otherwise, bargain of the season.

I'd rather sleep with Christie than that tramp.

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  • 5 months later...

He no longer seems the threat going forward. Defensively, he's generally been more solid than I expected. I would say he's a young player and has beena bit overplayed.


We have great cover in Shotton, as a Premier league player who's played a decent number of games in that position.


And another youngster in Ssewankambo who didn't come to Derby to play in the stiffs.


Whoever plays down the right side needs to be able to create more of a threat around the opposition penalty area.

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I'm still yet to be convinced by Christie. He made a promising start but has always been suspect positionally, none more so than when he switched off for Forest's second last week. For whatever reason, tiredness / fatigue the most likely, he hasn't been the same threat going forward as he was when he initially came. His powerful runs from deep seem to have disappeared from his game and he dwells for too long on the ball, often taking a touch, looking up and then passing. He just doesn't seem aware of the situation around him which is concerning.


Potentially, he could be a good full back and it's a case of the penny dropping at some point with him, as it did for Forsyth when McClaren arrived. I think he's been overplayed but up until recently we haven't had any body that can play at right full-back to give him a break.


Obviously I hope he comes good but I think the defence will continue to be suspect with him in it.

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He's just out of form imo. Probably mentally tired which is why he keeps switching off.

He'll come through it. Or he'll have a rest for Shotton or whatever. He looks like he just needs his batteries changing. He's thinking too slow.

At one point it was like Wisdom and Forsyth combined.

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