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Roy Hodgson


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I think Roy should stay until after the Euros, which we should qualify for, and use that time to bring the youngsters through so the squad are all under 25/26. Retire and then let Mourinho take over...simples

Sorry don't think he would ever be England boss.... Don't think the FA would like him somehow! Understand what you mean though

But I like that novice idea Daveo floated.... Or my own choice Martinez

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I think we need continuity over the next 2 or 3 years. We have a few decent young players coming through and it would be disruptive to suddenly take off in a different direction. Having said that, the FA have got to recognise that age is against him and maybe there should be a younger man working with him with the intention of stepping as a seamless transition with Gary Neville as a possibility as he is already on the staff.

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He is nowhere near as good as Rooney and will get nowhere near as many goals and honours as Rooney.


I agree he won't get as many honors. That doesn't mean he is not a better player. Rooney at his best was better than Sturridge. That no longer is the case. Sturridge is 4 years younger than Rooney. Watch as he rakes up the goals for Liverpool over the next 4 years. His record speaks for itself. He was completely isolated playing at Chelsea. Look at his record for Bolton and Liverpool. Last season spoke volumes. Sturridge 24 goals 7 assits in 33 games. Rooney 19 goals 10 assists in 40. 

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They don't play the same roles anymore, Rooney is in between the midfield and striker.

If you compare Rooney's record as a striker, Rooney has a better record.

In an England shirt, Rooney is wasted as a striker because there's nobody to give him the ball. Not that things improved dramatically with him in the hole, but we were certainly more attacking.

Back on topic. Gary Neville is a great shout for England manager, with scholes as assistant. Bring any of that united group in, Neville and Neville, scholes...giggs.

Burn the older players and start again.

P.S, English football fans and pundits alike have been saying this for years. Restructure etc...

Then they propose league 3.

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Gary Neville with Scholes as assistant.


Both are straight talking and know what they are talking about. Having played under Fergie will know a thing a two as well you would have thought.


There is no experienced English managers out there worthy of giving a go, let's take a risk on this. 

You're forgetting Arry..


Okay I will get my coat..  :(

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They don't play the same roles anymore, Rooney is in between the midfield and striker.

If you compare Rooney's record as a striker, Rooney has a better record.

In an England shirt, Rooney is wasted as a striker because there's nobody to give him the ball. Not that things improved dramatically with him in the hole, but we were certainly more attacking.

Back on topic. Gary Neville is a great shout for England manager, with scholes as assistant. Bring any of that united group in, Neville and Neville, scholes...giggs.

Burn the older players and start again.

P.S, English football fans and pundits alike have been saying this for years. Restructure etc...

Then they propose league 3.


So you are praising Rooney yet say burn the older players and start again. Rooney is 29 in October. In international football terms that is old for a striker as tournaments are every 2 years. He will be 32 1/2 at the next WC. Beyond Euro 2016 is there a place for him? He will be 31 when the WC qualifiers start again. Rooney is a player that demands to be in the starting line up. That will cause nothing but conflict from now on. We can take a striker like Lambert because he understands he is a squad player and his strengths are equal to his age. 

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So you are praising Rooney yet say burn the older players and start again. Rooney is 29 in October. In international football terms that is old for a striker as tournaments are every 2 years. He will be 32 1/2 at the next WC. Beyond Euro 2016 is there a place for him? He will be 31 when the WC qualifiers start again. Rooney is a player that demands to be in the starting line up. That will cause nothing but conflict from now on. We can take a striker like Lambert because he understands he is a squad player and his strengths are equal to his age.

Yeah burn him, I hope he retires. He's a good player, but we shouldn't be building a team around him. He's had a better career than Sturridge so far, Sturridge's best years are ahead of him. Rooney's have been and gone.

We've had so many English players on top whack money, as an international they've never deserved it.

Start again. Scholes wouldn't want him in the squad from what he's been saying. I want scholes and Neville in after Roy leaves.

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From what he's saying, Scholes knows what needs doing. But he's only done a bit of an apprenticeship at United?

Find a system that suits your young crop. Lallana, Wilshere, Sterling etc. When you've got mostly round pegs in round holes then you can begin development. Players can either fit the team or they can't play. Names or no names.

You might end up with someone like Shelvey being ahead of Henderson but at the end of the day players serve a bigger purpose.

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Gary Neville with Scholes as assistant.


Both are straight talking and know what they are talking about. Having played under Fergie will know a thing a two as well you would have thought.


There is no experienced English managers out there worthy of giving a go, let's take a risk on this.

This isn't a bad shout, I liked Neville as a player and think he's one of the more refreshing pundits out there but what interests me is what his input was in this tournament.


I write that because I thought our defence was the poorest I've seen in quite a few years and with him being a defender I would have thought his knowledge and experience would have been tapped into.


Did he give his opinion and it was ignored ? Or was the defence his domain and he got it wrong ?


Anyway, I agree with you regarding Hodgson, he's a nice enough bloke and that but he's had his go and blew it, a new broom sweeps cleanest they say, time for younger men with a fresh approach and the guts to clear out the old hands that let us all down so badly.

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Cant believe people are saying Neville and Scholes are a good shout.. Neville has been part of this debacle and instrumental in another tactically inept England tournament. Scholes, wtf has he done on the coaching / managerial side??? A couple of games on the bench with his todger up Giggs butt? So I fail to see where these two come from apart from some random ex-player names because they played for a successful club side.


Hodgson was and never will be the right man for the job... Made the same mistake as every other England manager of picking names instead of picking a team.. Rooney again, won't deny he is a good individual player to an extent but we are so desperate to get the **** in the team, everything else suffers. Hodgson and Neville bottled to pressure on this and changed the whole vibe of the team against Uruguay. Square peg, round hole..


Hodgson will keep his job as he fits the FA sterotype.. New young English managers coming through who have at least done something at top level...... none.


Me... We have to look at either Brendon Rogers (who won't leave Liverpool) or Martinez who at least knows English players and understands the culture here.  

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I do like the idea of Neville and Scholes....

But the suggestion of Martinez would boost England no end.

Firstly the style of play and tactics would change. The philosophy in team would be greater.

Also Martinez is practically English anyway! Anyone who survives living in Ssausagehorpe deserves a British passport!

Joking aside, Angry Ram is right, he's been over here long enough to understand the needs and requirements of English football and to change it for the better.

But all you ever hear about in other social websites is the usual our Arry etc....

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I wanted to not blame Hodgson but tactically we weren't up to it.

Somebody should have been breathing down Pirlos neck the whole match against the Italians. Not good enough to let one player dictate a game in two seperate games against us. It's not naive it's either arrogance or stupidness.

The second problem was changing a system which caused a very good Italian defence problems! Rooney should have started on the left, he might not be as involved as he liked but he's not our star player anymore. He's still very good hence his assist from the left but Hodgson blunted Sterlings influence on the game by doing this.

Gerrard was awful for both games, both teams pressed him and he couldn't handle it. Henderson brought more to both games for me and a fully match fit jack wilshere is more effective than Gerrard. Mr un droppable though.

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Well I for one ain't surprised at the continued employment of Hodgson and Team Sky by the FA!

So here's a couple of my gripes. (and as a grumpy old git I've got loads)

The basic requirements of skill, talent, fitness and quality to win a football match have now been replaced by sports psychologists, therapists, directors of football, data crunchers, heads of performance, agents from every corner of the world, nutritionalists, statistical anoraks, legions of hangers on and other superfluous nonsense at premiership level, summed up perfectly by the Rooney covered the most ground and did the most sprints brigade ..........Suarez did sod all but put his two chances away superbly!

All I'm looking for is a bit of quality defending, quality in the final third of the pitch, quality corners and free kicks, quality passing, quality movement and a quality first touch from the England team, does the premier league supply this..................nope (not from English players anyway)

............oh yes, and while I'm going off on one!

The "why are we dross at international tournaments" question has been knocking around for years. Whilst we still get the heart, commitment, passion red top jingoistic "England expects" editorial waffle we're doomed I tell ya, we're doomed!

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Gary Neville with Scholes as assistant.


Both are straight talking and know what they are talking about. Having played under Fergie will know a thing a two as well you would have thought.


There is no experienced English managers out there worthy of giving a go, let's take a risk on this. 



So you're advocating offering the biggest management job in the world (in terms of salary) and one of the most prestigious to a player who has zero management experience.


That is both amusing and ridiculous.


You work your way up for an opportunity to manage at the highest level. You don't just get the job because you have a little fire in your belly.


The FA have done the right thing in leaving Roy there for a couple of years. There should be a few more English applicants then...the likes of Steve Bruce and Nigel Pearson for example.

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