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You'd really leave Derby for Forest for 5 grand extra a week? I'd take 260k a year and play for Derby over anything at Forest.


After tax - £130,000 a year after tax

Forest - £260,000 a year after tax


Over a 20 year career you'd have accumulated £2,600,000 compared to £5,200,000.


I love Derby, and i'mnot saying I'd support Forest but for an extra £2,600,000 I'd chop my right bollok off!

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There are exceptions and i agree. Sometimes players such as Falco have no choice where they go due to 3rd party ownership, he'll just go to the highest bidder. 


But there are cases. We don't know the life of individual players but players who do it purely for money when already getting healthy  sums of which most could dream of annoys me 

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There are exceptions and i agree. Sometimes players such as Falco have no choice where they go due to 3rd party ownership, he'll just go to the highest bidder. 


But there are cases. We don't know the life of individual players but players who do it purely for money when already getting healthy  sums of which most could dream of annoys me 


Why would it annoy you?


Didn't we offer Kris Commons more money 'apparently' to join Derby from Forest? did you sit there arms folded looking the other way when it smashed the winner in against Man Utd when he should of accepted the lower pay and stayed at Forest?


If we don't sign Vaughan, Jackson, Baptiste and all these players linked because we wouldn't offer them more money than say Huddersfield who are you going to be annoyed with then? The players or GSE?


5 years time, you're happy in the job you've got, it's paying the bills and you're living a decent life but another company approaches you and says look come to us, do the same job and we will give you 5k just for coming and we'll double your wage, what do you do, stay at the same company because your customers like you?

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Hate this argument.

Let's expect fans to understand and take all their emotions out of it.

No, I'm fan. I love my club.

The emotions should be with winning and losing games, the football, not how much Conor Sammon pockets a week or what our net profit last year.
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The emotions should be with winning and losing games, the football, not how much Conor Sammon pockets a week or what our net profit last year.


How is that remotely possible when one directly affects the other?

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I have to say, when I first started watching football and going to matches, I didn't care how much a player earned. I also didn't care who owned the club, as long as the team tried to win and played like they cared.


People here have been hung up over the fact that we are owned by 'Yanks', it shouldn't really matter IMO. You pay to watch football for 90 minutes at a time, and that SHOULD BE as far as your money gets you.


There was a time we loved being Derby fans under the biggest crook going in Robert Maxwell, but cos we only paid attention to the football, we weren't bothered.


I don't know how it should be for the best, probably somewhere in between the previous ambivalence and the sometimes apparent sheer anxiety of GSE!

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Football like any career is a job, and it doesn't matter who you are, everything is swung by money. If I was on £30,000 a year, and a company offered me £40,000 a year i'd change, everyone else would


Not me.


For the last two years I've been beating people off with sticks - people who are prepared to pay me 50% more than I'm on now. I just don't want to go back to contracting, and neither do I want to be a project manager.

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How do you know there was interest?


Players drop leagues all the time it's no biggy, Look at £10m rate Henri Lansbury at Forest...ahem. You have to remember that they are normal people with families not just footballers. The missus could hate Nottingham and who would blame her? he may not like the staff, the physio, the food, he may have been offered 50k pw and a go with the chairmans missus who knows.


Again where have you had confirmation of this interest? the newspapers? I'm not saying there hasn't been any but don't take everything you read as 100% fact. Don't forget either Monaco are not a little club going up for the first time, remember Juventus when they went down and came back up? Monaco have won the Ligue 1 7 times and in 2004 picked up that pretty big coffee cup the Champions League.

Don't get me wrong some players will move to a club purely for the money and no other reason, others maybe not, just don't assume that every player moves purely for money and when players do get a better wage then fair play to them the lucky ********, the clubs don't have to meet the players demands so blame the club if you want to have a pop at anyone.

Kris Commons left for Celtic he was only going for the money remember? forget the fact not only did he most likely get a pay rise but also played in the Champions League and not doing too bad either.



Love it when you talk serious.


Give me more.

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There has always been inter city traffic between Forest and Derby.

I used to work in Osmaston Road, Derby, and most afternoons we'd see Cloughie in his silver Merc going home from the BBG.
When he went to Forest, players like Gemmill and McGovern soon joined him.

Most of us, while sorry to lose any of them, wished them well. We certainly didn't fret oursen over how much they were getting or owt.

Why is the emphasis so much on players wages and transfer fees nowadays?

If i go into a shop to buy something I look at how much it costs. I certainly don't consider how much the manager, owner or shop assistant is earning. That's none of my business.

I also don't consider an employee a deserter if they move from Tesco to Asda.

Why should football be any different?

Derby till I die!

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