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I have it on good authority (don't ask... I can't say) that the reason Rio missed his drugs test was because he had an STD that he didn't want to become public. Make of that what you will.


What, you mean he had a   "Season Ticket at Derby"?.

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I have it on good authority (don't ask... I can't say) that the reason Rio missed his drugs test was because he had an STD that he didn't want to become public. Make of that what you will.

Yes, because drug clinics release that kind of information to the general public

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I have it on good authority (don't ask... I can't say) that the reason Rio missed his drugs test was because he had an STD that he didn't want to become public. Make of that what you will.

He "missed" it because he knew he was going to fail it.

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When I say "public", I mean the management and his team-mates. And these things always get out anyway.

It wasn't a dig at you, sorry if it came across that way, more just having a go at Rio if that really was the case. Thinking about it though have never heard of a case with a famous sportsman being outed as having an std after a drugs test, law of averages (and the fact that pro sportsmen are often not monks in that regard) would suggest that if the test covered that a few will have come back positive and I have not heard about any.
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I can't imagine how rio ferdinand could acquire a sexually transmitted disease......unless john terry gave it him.

Still.......a sad loss.

Very sad.

Terrible actually.

Oh my god.

Bloody hell!

What on Earth are we gonna do now?

Oh dear, dear, dear.....

No Rio!

We might as well give up.

Thats us fkd.


I'd only just got used to us not having Sven.

I'm going for a lie down........


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