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End of Year Forum Feedback


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We don't get much feedback on here so I thought I'd go looking for it.

I'm not looking for praise of how amazing I'am and this place as I already know. What I would like to know is how it can be improved.

I'm all ears to any suggestions and even opinions on how we run this place, I know some may think we are sometimes harsh so let's hear how you would like to see things handled differently.

I'm not promising to implement everything suggested but I will listen and if it's possible and the moderators agree we will look to add in 2013.

Oh and I will say it now that anyone asking to be a moderator can forget it, members are approached privately as and when we feel we need the extra man/woman power, right now we are happy we have the staff that can deal with issues day and night.


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First of all I want to say that I appreciate the work admins and mods are doing for us. I don't envy your job. But you are doing it wrong. Just kidding.

I do have a suggestion though. It might be impossible to make it work and won't deny that. But in the future when someone gets irritated by other posters could you educate those irritated how to ignore these irritating persons and posts. It is shame that we lose good posters with sound opinions because some people have different views.

Trolls, wums and people that knowingly are insulting others or trying to make them feel bad can be banned instantly no question about it.

And no, I wouldn't be able to do it myself but I sincerely hope you lot can.

Another thing. If there is ways to help or problems that need to be solved to keep this forum running smoothly let us know what people can do. I believe there is a lot of willing people ready to help in different ways.

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You lot do a great job all in all, having said that, does seem a tad over-moderated at times, makes it quite sterile at times IMO. I'm a member of a couple of other forums (non-football) and I really don't mind the obvious wumming, trolling, petty name-calling that goes off, actually at times it can be pretty entertaining (maybe that is just me). I realise the set-up here is preferential to most so probably more a passing comment than usable feedback.

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First of all I want to say that I appreciate the work admins and mods are doing for us. I don't envy your job. But you are doing it wrong. Just kidding.

I do have a suggestion though. It might be impossible to make it work and won't deny that. But in the future when someone gets irritated by other posters could you educate those irritated how to ignore these irritating persons and posts. It is shame that we lose good posters with sound opinions because some people have different views.

Trolls, wums and people that knowingly are insulting others or trying to make them feel bad can be banned instantly no question about it.

And no, I wouldn't be able to do it myself but I sincerely hope you lot can.

Another thing. If there is ways to help or problems that need to be solved to keep this forum running smoothly let us know what people can do. I believe there is a lot of willing people ready to help in different ways.

the ignore feature can be accessed in a members control panel.

Can someone pass this information on to Cisse for me?

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I wouldn't mind being able to correct/delete posts (of my own like, not other people's) for a bit longer than we are allowed.

There have been instances I have posted something that's given me a laugh initially then in retrospect I've wondered if it might cause offence and had to wait for a mod to come on to ask for the post to be deleted.

Apart from that you ain't doin' much wrong so compliments of the season, may your yule tide be full of fine wine and hanky panky. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

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How long would you like to edit posts? Think its set to 5 minutes at the moment.

Mo55y I've done a rebuild of likes for everyone, I think it's a bit lower now as you will have had likes in threads that have been removed. Other people would have been effected as well so don't take it personally.

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How long would you like to edit posts? Think its set to 5 minutes at the moment.

Mo55y I've done a rebuild of likes for everyone, I think it's a bit lower now as you will have had likes in threads that have been removed. Other people would have been effected as well so don't take it personally.

I think 10 minutes would be plenty of time for me.

Oh and while I think about it, I once tried to have a spinning ram as my avatar, it spun about twice and disappeared, is there any reason that kind of thing is frowned upon ?

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Just looked it is actually set to 10 minutes, I've upped it to 20 minutes, should be plenty now.

Animated avatars are disabled, more of a personal preference if I'm honest, when I'm reading posts anything that's flashing/moving around at the side does my head in.

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Just looked it is actually set to 10 minutes, I've upped it to 20 minutes, should be plenty now.

Animated avatars are disabled, more of a personal preference if I'm honest, when I'm reading posts anything that's flashing/moving around at the side does my head in.

cos Daveo's always on here.

Maybe they could pay for fancy avatars and stuff?

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He never moaned when he got an extra 200,000,

Not that I'm complaining. He deserves every like he gets.

I think an edit only needs to stay active long enough for us to correct any obvious typos, ten mins max.

i didn't like that either.. but said nowt..

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