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Caerphilly Ram

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  1. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from John Doe in The Administration Thread   
    We all want a future for Derby County so I’ll make one last point and then let it be as I’m conscious of labouring my point and I appreciate how stressful/frustrating this process and the role of the admins has been for us fans so people are keen to apportion blame and rightly so in some cases.
    The part of the EFL statement you’ve quoted still does nothing to prove that Quantuma are not involving the EFL as you and many other fans are claiming, it’s speculation again. Quantuma are not “hiding behind” NDAs, they are legally binding contracts, the legislation around data protection prevents them from sharing the name and data relating to any party exploring the purchase of the club unless that party (not Quantuma) gives consent. Quantuma would be breaking the law and subject to a fine and potential further punishment if they broke those agreements.
    If we take what Trevor Birch (CEO of the EFL) has said in his letter to Derby fans groups, Quantuma have given the EFL contact information for the solicitors of the interested parties (something that must have been agreed and consent given for that information to be shared) and those parties have denied to engage with the EFL (again this is evidence of Quantuma engaging with the EFL, not the opposite). I’ve added the pic of that paragraph.
    Q have far from covered themselves in glory through this process as I mentioned before, by all means they should be called out on other points, but this specific idea that they are not telling the EFL things just to be difficult is completely unfounded in my view and if anything it has been proven that they are talking to the EFL by the highest positioned member of that organisation and by the fact they communicated the info around CKs bid. 
    Anyway, hopefully this is a moot point soon and the club is taken over or at the very least funded for the season pending a takeover and we can get back to on the pitch matters ? 

  2. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
    We all want a future for Derby County so I’ll make one last point and then let it be as I’m conscious of labouring my point and I appreciate how stressful/frustrating this process and the role of the admins has been for us fans so people are keen to apportion blame and rightly so in some cases.
    The part of the EFL statement you’ve quoted still does nothing to prove that Quantuma are not involving the EFL as you and many other fans are claiming, it’s speculation again. Quantuma are not “hiding behind” NDAs, they are legally binding contracts, the legislation around data protection prevents them from sharing the name and data relating to any party exploring the purchase of the club unless that party (not Quantuma) gives consent. Quantuma would be breaking the law and subject to a fine and potential further punishment if they broke those agreements.
    If we take what Trevor Birch (CEO of the EFL) has said in his letter to Derby fans groups, Quantuma have given the EFL contact information for the solicitors of the interested parties (something that must have been agreed and consent given for that information to be shared) and those parties have denied to engage with the EFL (again this is evidence of Quantuma engaging with the EFL, not the opposite). I’ve added the pic of that paragraph.
    Q have far from covered themselves in glory through this process as I mentioned before, by all means they should be called out on other points, but this specific idea that they are not telling the EFL things just to be difficult is completely unfounded in my view and if anything it has been proven that they are talking to the EFL by the highest positioned member of that organisation and by the fact they communicated the info around CKs bid. 
    Anyway, hopefully this is a moot point soon and the club is taken over or at the very least funded for the season pending a takeover and we can get back to on the pitch matters ? 

  3. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from Indyram in The Administration Thread   
    Where is this information that Q have refused to allow EFL involvement? I’ve clearly missed something here. What involvement should the EFL have? Once there is an actual bid on the table they will be given the info to do their fit and proper checks, they’ll check the source of the money… all of which they did with CK and that didn’t work out. 
    It still comes back to the point that the parties allegedly engaging with Quantuma have denied the EFL consent, NOT Quantuma themselves, Trevor Birch has said this himself. Where is the further evidence and info that confirms Q are obstructing the process with the EFL? 
  4. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from atherstoneram in The Administration Thread   
    Where is this information that Q have refused to allow EFL involvement? I’ve clearly missed something here. What involvement should the EFL have? Once there is an actual bid on the table they will be given the info to do their fit and proper checks, they’ll check the source of the money… all of which they did with CK and that didn’t work out. 
    It still comes back to the point that the parties allegedly engaging with Quantuma have denied the EFL consent, NOT Quantuma themselves, Trevor Birch has said this himself. Where is the further evidence and info that confirms Q are obstructing the process with the EFL? 
  5. Haha
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to Mucker1884 in The Administration Thread   
  6. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from Indy in The Administration Thread   
    Where is this information that Q have refused to allow EFL involvement? I’ve clearly missed something here. What involvement should the EFL have? Once there is an actual bid on the table they will be given the info to do their fit and proper checks, they’ll check the source of the money… all of which they did with CK and that didn’t work out. 
    It still comes back to the point that the parties allegedly engaging with Quantuma have denied the EFL consent, NOT Quantuma themselves, Trevor Birch has said this himself. Where is the further evidence and info that confirms Q are obstructing the process with the EFL? 
  7. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to Turk Thrust in The Administration Thread   
    Oh come on. Several posters have explained about the legal implications imposed on Q regarding allowing EFL to have access to bid details. Why do you continue to bang on about Q refusing to allow EFL involvement in the process. It’s up to the bidders if they want to share details with EFL. And please don’t repeat the bit about Q telling bidders they must share bid details with EFL or go. That’s a good way to lose most if not all bidders faced with such an ultimatum.
  8. Like
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from GB SPORTS in The Administration Thread   
    Trevor Birch said in his response to the supporters groups that the EFL and Quantuma have held daily meetings, how have Quantuma not agreed to the EFL’s involvement? 
    He went on to say the EFL have reached out to the solicitors of the prospective bidders who have refused consent. Trevor Birch, of the EFL, has put it in a written correspondence that it is the bidders who do not want to share with them. 
    Quantuma have shown themselves to be useless in a lot of ways all the way through this process, it simply isn’t their decision if the identity and data of the parties involved can be shared. 
  9. Like
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from GB SPORTS in The Administration Thread   
    This whole “Q won’t involve the EFL” narrative doesn’t make sense, you haven’t explained how they’re not involving them and now you say they’re fobbing them off. 
    Trevor Birch is the CEO of the EFL, he is the one who has said they’re in dialogue with Quantuma, which by definition is them involving the EFL. I take your point in that they could say to all bidders “you have to involve the EFL if you want the club”, but given that the interested parties are choosing themselves not to speak to the EFL about this process they could just as easily walk away at being presented with such an ultimatum. The (alleged) interested parties clearly have their reasons for instructing their legal teams not to speak to the EFL, again that is their choice and not Quantuma’s. 
    I’m all for people bashing Quantuma for the things they’ve actually got wrong, things we can clearly see and evidence (and there’s a sizeable list such as setting and then missing multiple deadlines, poor communication with fans, poor communication with club employees, selling Shinnie for peanuts, not dealing with the legal claims in a timely manner, wasting time and money on legal disputes with the EFL, not ending Kirchner’s PB status as soon as the money stalled, not engaging with fans around alternative funding opportunities, charging a fortune for their “services”…. Any more?) but this narrative that they’re the ones not giving info to the EFL simply isn’t right. They cannot legally divulge certain information without the explicit consent of the parties involved, no amount of speculation or conspiracy theorising will change that legal circumstance, in fact for the EFL to have reached out to the legal teams of interested parties would suggest to me that Quantuma have provided the contact details to the EFL (in line with GDPR legislation)
  10. Like
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    … or more likely Q see EFL’s late desire to get involved, after shafting us throughout the process, as a last gasp face saving exercise where they can wring out a bit of credit if a sale concludes, or a ‘we really tried’ if it all goes pear shape as they transfer our golden share to Wrexham.
  11. Like
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to Ghost of Clough in Players Budget 22/23   
    Pretty much, although any signings proabably won't be until towards the end of the window, so less than 52 weeks for them.
    The only way I see us keeping the more established players is if we get an owner in to cover the costs ASAP. Buchanan an Byrne the other high earners still contracted.
  12. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from Indy in The Administration Thread   
    This whole “Q won’t involve the EFL” narrative doesn’t make sense, you haven’t explained how they’re not involving them and now you say they’re fobbing them off. 
    Trevor Birch is the CEO of the EFL, he is the one who has said they’re in dialogue with Quantuma, which by definition is them involving the EFL. I take your point in that they could say to all bidders “you have to involve the EFL if you want the club”, but given that the interested parties are choosing themselves not to speak to the EFL about this process they could just as easily walk away at being presented with such an ultimatum. The (alleged) interested parties clearly have their reasons for instructing their legal teams not to speak to the EFL, again that is their choice and not Quantuma’s. 
    I’m all for people bashing Quantuma for the things they’ve actually got wrong, things we can clearly see and evidence (and there’s a sizeable list such as setting and then missing multiple deadlines, poor communication with fans, poor communication with club employees, selling Shinnie for peanuts, not dealing with the legal claims in a timely manner, wasting time and money on legal disputes with the EFL, not ending Kirchner’s PB status as soon as the money stalled, not engaging with fans around alternative funding opportunities, charging a fortune for their “services”…. Any more?) but this narrative that they’re the ones not giving info to the EFL simply isn’t right. They cannot legally divulge certain information without the explicit consent of the parties involved, no amount of speculation or conspiracy theorising will change that legal circumstance, in fact for the EFL to have reached out to the legal teams of interested parties would suggest to me that Quantuma have provided the contact details to the EFL (in line with GDPR legislation)
  13. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to May Contain Nuts in The Administration Thread   
    It seems like you've come up with a solution and convinced yourself that it's guaranteed to produce the result you want, with no thought to the consequences if it doesn't go to plan. 
    You're quite dangerously deciding that anyone not willing to comply with the request is not a serious bidder, as if it's black and white.
    There probably aren't enough serious bidders at the table to risk laying down the law. If Q did as you suggest and ALL of them responded with a resounding "I'm out" we'd risk being liquidated within the week! 
    (and no doubt there would a queue of people calling out what an awful decision it was, and how stupid the administrators must be to have done it) 
  14. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from DCFC1388 in The Administration Thread   
    Trevor Birch said in his response to the supporters groups that the EFL and Quantuma have held daily meetings, how have Quantuma not agreed to the EFL’s involvement? 
    He went on to say the EFL have reached out to the solicitors of the prospective bidders who have refused consent. Trevor Birch, of the EFL, has put it in a written correspondence that it is the bidders who do not want to share with them. 
    Quantuma have shown themselves to be useless in a lot of ways all the way through this process, it simply isn’t their decision if the identity and data of the parties involved can be shared. 
  15. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from DCFC1388 in Players Budget 22/23   
    Do you think our first team wage bill gets split over 52 weeks? If so that’s just over £96k per week if it’s £5m, meaning an average of just over £4K per week per person if we had a squad of 22 players. I know that’s not how the wage dynamic of a squad would actually be but it’s feasible for us to put some sort of squad together if all the necessary off the field hoops can be jumped through in time.
  16. Like
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
    Trevor Birch said in his response to the supporters groups that the EFL and Quantuma have held daily meetings, how have Quantuma not agreed to the EFL’s involvement? 
    He went on to say the EFL have reached out to the solicitors of the prospective bidders who have refused consent. Trevor Birch, of the EFL, has put it in a written correspondence that it is the bidders who do not want to share with them. 
    Quantuma have shown themselves to be useless in a lot of ways all the way through this process, it simply isn’t their decision if the identity and data of the parties involved can be shared. 
  17. Clap
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from Indy in The Administration Thread   
    Trevor Birch said in his response to the supporters groups that the EFL and Quantuma have held daily meetings, how have Quantuma not agreed to the EFL’s involvement? 
    He went on to say the EFL have reached out to the solicitors of the prospective bidders who have refused consent. Trevor Birch, of the EFL, has put it in a written correspondence that it is the bidders who do not want to share with them. 
    Quantuma have shown themselves to be useless in a lot of ways all the way through this process, it simply isn’t their decision if the identity and data of the parties involved can be shared. 
  18. Like
    Caerphilly Ram got a reaction from Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    Trevor Birch said in his response to the supporters groups that the EFL and Quantuma have held daily meetings, how have Quantuma not agreed to the EFL’s involvement? 
    He went on to say the EFL have reached out to the solicitors of the prospective bidders who have refused consent. Trevor Birch, of the EFL, has put it in a written correspondence that it is the bidders who do not want to share with them. 
    Quantuma have shown themselves to be useless in a lot of ways all the way through this process, it simply isn’t their decision if the identity and data of the parties involved can be shared. 
  19. Haha
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to Ambitious in The Administration Thread   
    How have we gone from 'nothing close' to 'final strokes' 
    It all seems very premature... 

  20. Cheers
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
  21. Like
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    "Andy Appleby says his bid for Derby County is in its "final strokes" as he looks to save the club's future and seal a return to the Rams.
    The American businessman conducted an interview with Crain's Detroit Business amid plans to expand the United Shore Professional Baseball League. In the piece, printed earlier today (Tuesday), Appleby did not go into full detail over his bid for Derby but told Crains in a six-word update: "It's down to the final strokes."
    The publication also said that Appleby was optimistic about his bid and expects to learn the outcome this week."
  22. Like
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to DCFC27 in The Administration Thread   
    Only if we are breaking a rule in Admin. We are not. Currently we have paid our way, haven't reduced salaries of players or missed payments without an agreement with the creditors. We are allowed to be in Admin until March 23. 
    Our options going into the season (in  admin) 
    1) we keep funding the club month by month, keep contracted players and make the rest of the team up of youth players. 
    2) Provide proof the club can continue to trade for the full season on a break even budget, this will allow us to sign players externally, for example bringing in the likes of Morrison/Fozzy/Davies again as long as they are happy with £4k a week again. 
    At some point next season you would hope the takeover has gone through. 
    They have no grounds to remove membership. 
  23. Haha
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Folk are funny aren't they Kev? If the last few years of EFL intercessions taught us anything it's that their assistance is absolutely the superhighway to a sustainable future. I fully agree that Quantuma really should make room in their Holborn HQ for Rick and Trev to hotdesk daily if required. I mean look at the speed with which they sanctioned us in the first place. Only three years after the event. Then the 2 years it took them to find a few blokes who actually thought we'd done something wrong. Then the blinding rapidity of their dealing with Gibbo and Cowpig's grievances. 
    How anyone could doubt that they'd soon have this mess sorted is utterly beyond me. 
  24. Like
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in The Administration Thread   
    Probably already covered, but here goes anyway.
    I'm going to hope Quantuma are actually doing the right thing this time.
    They maybe identifying the most likely, credible buyer from those bidding and hopefully have made one of the conditions that the next chosen PB will hand over X amount of million in the form of a loan to secure their PB status.
    This loan enables the club to compete in and prepare for next season.
    The loan will most likely be paid by season ticket money.
    This way the debt doesn't really increase and the takeover can be completed in the background whilst the season kicks off.
    Hope rather than expectation.
  25. Like
    Caerphilly Ram reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    I haven’t said I take everything q say at face value but if they said no bidder was willing to take on responsibility for Boro claims I have absolutely no reason to doubt that.
    The allegation made by Ashley  is that they were told by q that he was preferred bidder. That was at a time when Boro claim was still current. Q thought they could deal with that claim in a certain way Efl had other ideas. Who was right Efl or q may be hotly disputed. Either way Ashley’s bid was not progressable without Boro claim being disposed of one way or another . Once it was why didn’t Ashley then proceed with his bid? 

    As for Appleby claim, has he offered to pay June wages? If not his offer is not compliant as he claims because we will immediately be faced with a 3 point penalty and possibly much worse. 
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