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  1. Haha
    Ilkestonian reacted to Day in Derby v Stevenage FC - Match Day Thread   
    We will be winners today regardless of the score.
    Having this bloke only ever sat in the opposition dugout and not the home team at Pride Park is a win. 

  2. Like
    Ilkestonian reacted to Day in James Collins   
    I liked it as well, decided against sharing it in the Warne topic though, just didn't seem worth it.
    Comes across as really open and honest, I really find it hard not to like the bloke on a personal level from all the content we're given to base our opinions on. Just one of those people I think would be good to have a pint with and get things off your chest to. 
  3. Like
    Ilkestonian reacted to Chester40 in James Collins   
    I love that interview tbh.
    So much sense spoken by Warne.
    Made a good point to Dom about the effect of criticism and more importantly he avoids the obvious/easy answer in claiming that he knew things would turn.... and admitting he/you don't.  You do what you can and see how it goes and hope it all comes good.
    Disregarding the style of football,  I struggle to see how anyone can find fault with his attitude towards management here.
  4. Clap
    Ilkestonian reacted to Anag Ram in James Collins   
    I don’t think we should underestimate the number of times Collins is there to lay the ball off to our midfield. His endeavour often turns defence into attack.
    He may not be the most potent threat in the box, but let’s not criticise his general play.
  5. Like
    Ilkestonian reacted to jono in Paul Warne   
    It’s not that I am pro or anti. It’s that the anti mob are so irritating. The so called pro side tend to reflect on the good and the bad. The anti are just fixated, win or lose. Never give an inch, dull, obsessed, spoilt, churlish and without perspective. I suspect that Those of us, (me included ) that are vaguely supportive, only post in a vain attempt to balance the one eyed vitriol. 
    Dreading Saturday .. looking like 4 strikers all injured, but it will be completely Warne’s fault if we lose, or pure luck if we win. Like a horrible scratched record. 
  6. Clap
    Ilkestonian reacted to Foreveram in When life gives you lemons   
    Well there’s a few on here that think they know everything 🙄
  7. Clap
    Ilkestonian got a reaction from MickD in Tippy tappy   
    And another thread that's morphed into one about Paul Warne 🙁
  8. Like
    Ilkestonian reacted to angieram in Collins not everyone's favourite.   
    As this is vote-based, someone must like him. 
  9. Haha
    Ilkestonian reacted to Comrade 86 in James Collins   
    Oi @Chris_Martin he's made you look a right t*** now, hasn't he! 😂
  10. Like
    Ilkestonian got a reaction from angieram in Derby v Stevenage FC - Match Day Thread   
    Elder got clattered late on if I remember right, maybe he's struggling as a result of that challenge?
  11. Like
    Ilkestonian reacted to On the Ram Page in Paul Warne   
    You beat me to it. Reading the last page or so of this thread made me immediately think of The Peter Principle. At present he is doing well and has a history of getting promotions. He has also been relegated a few times but in some cases there were extenuating circumstances and his previous club were happy to keep employing him.
    No one knows (probably not even himself) what he is capable of or what levels he can attain. He strikes me as an intelligent chap and he will know the challenges which lie ahead, should we get promoted. In my opinion he should be given every chance to succeed and only if it becomes apparent that he is out of his depth should he be replaced.
    Not comparing him to Brian Clough at all but Brian was managing Hartlepool (not very well) when we appointed him. We didn’t improve the first season he was here but got promotion the following year. No one knew at the time how good he would be, he didn’t show it in the first year here.
    Let’s give him the opportunity to succeed.
  12. Clap
    Ilkestonian reacted to TomTom92 in Paul Warne   
    Pure speculation at the moment and for me its too early.
    Lets face it, even if our form completely nosedived i doubt DC would get rid before the end of the season. 
    If we do go up and its a big if at the moment then it would be incredibly harsh to sack Warne as despite his many flaws he has objectively completed his mission whether its been nice on the eye or not. With PW a nice guy and DC seemingly a nice guy I somewhat doubt we'd be this harsh upon promotion.
    If we miss out on promotion this season then I think there's need to discuss PW future. Personally i'd like him gone under this proviso but once again DC backed him once before, maybe he'll back him again. 
    Ultimately none of us have a crystal ball and if Iain Dowie can get promoted from the championship as manager then anyone can. Lets worry about the championship if we get there. 
  13. Like
    Ilkestonian reacted to Tamworthram in Paul Warne   
    Warne’s current remit is to get us promoted to the Championship and become an established Championship team. Getting back into the PL is a long term goal which we can worry about further down the line. I really don’t understand why you think DC would or should sack the manager he appointed on a long term contract if he achieves the first of those objectives but was not given the chance to achieve the second. 
    I’m not overly confident that PW will do well for us in the Championship but I definitely think he would have earned the right to have a crack at it. I’m pretty confident that DC does as well. 
    My gut feeling is that the only way PW will be sacked before his contract expires is 1) we miss out on the play offs this year AND plummet down the league [neither of those are looking likely], 2) we narrowly miss out this season AND are not seriously in the mix after a dozen games or so next season, or 3) we get promoted but really struggle and find ourselves in a relegation battle. The third scenario is the most likely but heck, whatever some of us may think of his tactics or management style, or how much reliance we attach to his track record at Rotherham, he deserves the right to have a go.
    edit: I’d go as far as saying getting back into the PL is more of an aspiration than a target at the moment and certainly not something that would be on a managers list of measurable objectives right now.
  14. Like
    Ilkestonian reacted to maxjam in Ebou Adams - Signed on 3 year deal   
    Lovely bit if determination considering he's only here on loan. 
    Hopefully there is a chance we can bring him in on a permanent in the summer, I've been impressed with the little bit I've seen of him.
  15. Like
    Ilkestonian reacted to Day in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    I'll be the boring one and reply just as I would to B4.
    Is this not a little too early and should we not wait until we know what division we are in next year?
    The difference between building a Championship team and League 1 team are huge. The loan opportunities are vastly superior for the Premier League youth talent.
    Not only that but we need to see what we have left in the cupboard before we go shopping. 
    This is a perfect topic to bridge the gap between the end of the season and the Euros.
  16. Clap
    Ilkestonian reacted to Day in Paul Warne   
    The Paul Warne "Out Out" and "Pro" topics have been locked in favour of a single place for discussions.
    This is it.
    I would ask members to refrain from opening any further topics with in/out or similar in the title and continue to post their opinions in here, regardless of result/league position.

  17. Clap
    Ilkestonian reacted to Eddie in Exeter City v Derby - Match Day Thread   
    You ought to spend more time painting - then we wouldn't have to read your tedious, puerile drivel.
    It's utterly pathetic the way some Derby 'fans' come across.
  18. Clap
    Ilkestonian reacted to Simmo’s left foot in Exeter City v Derby - Match Day Thread   
  19. Clap
    Ilkestonian got a reaction from Crewton in Warne Out Out   
    How about merging this thread with the pro Warne one and just calling it 'Warne' for example - both threads include mixed views after all.
  20. Like
    Ilkestonian got a reaction from Tamworthram in Warne Out Out   
    How about merging this thread with the pro Warne one and just calling it 'Warne' for example - both threads include mixed views after all.
  21. Like
    Ilkestonian reacted to Crewton in Exeter City v Derby - Match Day Thread   
    Another myth that doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

  22. Clap
    Ilkestonian reacted to Jourdan in Warne Out Out   
    I am sorry but how is us possibly getting promoted to the Championship under Warne in any way comparable to us getting promoted to the PL the previous time over 15 years ago?
    In 2008, the board and the manager were reportedly at odds and the board were seemingly unwilling to invest in summer 2008 to improve the team sufficiently. We couldn’t compete with the other promoted sides never mind the 17 others. The step up to the PL was huge back then. Is the step up to the Championship really anywhere close to that?
    Consider that Clowes appears to be nothing but in full support of Warne and consider that once the restrictions are lifted and with the additional revenue streams to follow from promotion, we’d be able to compete financially with anyone else who gets promoted and probably around 6-10 other Championship clubs as a fair estimate. Surely that’s a far better place to be in?
    What’s there to stop us from improving and adapting to the Championship well? Not only footballing sides do it. Luton and Coventry did it. In fact, if you look at Wigan, Barnsley, Peterborough and Blackpool as recent reoccurrences, it’s footballing sides who more often tend to go back where they came from.
    This fearmongering is outrageous. 
  23. Like
    Ilkestonian reacted to Tamworthram in Anything positive to take from yesterday moving forwards?   
    Agreed. Plus, we didn’t lose two points because Nyambe went off. We lost two points because the team on the pitch failed to deal with the passage of play that led to their goal. Some people seem to be implying Nyambe is our only decent defender and if he’s not on the pitch we’re doomed if the opposition attack down our right including relatively harmless throw ins.
  24. Haha
    Ilkestonian reacted to Fuertes’s Passport in Poor substitution   
    Absolutely. More idiocy from a truly inept tactician. Rancid football - predictable and ponderous in attack . All the clapping the fans and trying to become the next Ian Holloway with media friendly antics  cannot hide the fact that he is a truly terrible coach . We should wipe out Shrewsbury ( themselves an appalling team ) with the players at his disposal .What does he actually do all week ? 
  25. Clap
    Ilkestonian reacted to Sufferingfool in Warne Out Out   
    For what it’s worth I agree with everything you have said!
    Have held off coming on the forum tonight as I imagined it would be awash with negativity after today’s result. Yes it was disappointing….no it is not the end of the world!
    From what I have seen attending all home matches this season there is little to choose between teams in this league. Most players across the board including ours are Div 1 standard and the football as a result is often poor, again ourselves included. We have however proved hard to beat and won a fair few games hence we are second. Narrow margins have won and lost us points. 
    Attendances have remained astonishing and do not reflect the few on here who are feeling unable to attend. In reality this forum reflects the opinion of very few of our 26,000 core of support which is reassuring. 
    Warne deserves to see the job out which this season is promotion. If it does not happen then is the time to decide on his future.
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