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  1. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Bob The Badger in To those of you under 50, some good news   
    You’re going to be gutted this morning, and rightly so.
    But it ain’t all bad.
    When we dropped out of the old 2nd division into the 3rd in 1984 things were in many ways, worse.
    We didn’t (quite) have the financial issues, but we had a horrible team and the entire season was utterly depressing and devoid of hope in a way this season hasn’t been.
    My personal highlight of an utterly depressing season was meeting Dave Watson in a Little Chef on the A1 after we spanked Cambridge away 3-0 in the FA Cup. That was pretty much it for ducks sake.
    AND we had not just relegation, but the ignominy of losing to Plymouth in the FA Cup quarter-final to contend with after we had dragged them back to the BBG.
    We all thought that we’d bounce right back when we did get relegated and the arrival of Arthur Cox just emboldened that belief.
    An opening day away loss to Bournemouth, when Bournemouth then were more like the equivalent of Exeter now, didn’t dissuade us.
    Of course, we didn’t bounce back and ended up outside the top 6.
    But we had some BRILLIANT away days that season, Hull, Lincoln, and the last game of the season at Newport spring to mind.
    It was a whole lot more fun than the previous season because we were, for the most part, competing and you could see what Arthur was trying to do.
    There’s something fun about going to smaller clubs and taking the place over. Those of you who travel to away games know that the camaraderie is special.
    In fact, the adversity that we have faced this season has developed that camaraderie, only it’s done it at home.
    I work online and use social media a lot and the admiration for Derby’s support, especially those of you who travel away is a delight to read. I’ve even read genuine Forest and Leeds fans say they’re impressed.
    And what’s not to be impressed about?
    Forget the trolls who are loving this, the REAL football supporters appreciate and understand what Rooney has dragged the club through and the guy is universally respected, exponentially more so than when he was merely an excellent player.
    He’s now an excellent ex-player and an excellent human being. Time will tell if he can become an excellent manager, but the signs are promising.
    The second year under Arthur we did come up and that season was even better for road trips..
    I’ve seen Derby beat Benfica, Real Madrid, every top English club multiple times and Forest many times. But if I were to list the best 5 games I’ve ever attended, Derby at home to Rotherham in the old 3rd Division on a Friday night would be up there.
    That game with that penalty that took us back up to what would now be the Championship was a raucous, intense and then delirious atmosphere ending in an effing celebration comparable with any I have witnessed - although to be fair, my memory is a tad blurry because we did hit the pub hard.
    I doubt there was a Liverpool fan that got anything like the joy from beating Man City in the cup semi or will get more if they win the thing, than we Derby fans got from squeaking past Rotherham that night.
    The fact is, winning is just fun, no matter what division you are in. And beating adversity is fun too. So much more satisfying and enjoyable than just delivering on what’s expected.
    Somebody posted that they hope we're not that team that thinks they will bounce back up.
    I don't really care if fans think that. It's totally irrelevant.
    What is relevant is what WR thinks and what he allows his staff and players to think.
    And I have no doubt whatsoever that he'll not allow that entitled type of mindset to creep in.
    The good news is we have renewed hope for a stable club, a very promising manager in place, an Academy that is flourishing even if it is being pillaged and some wins to look forward to.
    We are where we are, so we may as well embrace it and have fun. And you will have some fun, I promise.
  2. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    If ck takes over and rooney stays i think we will get a good crowd, especially if we win alot of games. Seeing your team play well and win games is what football is all about no matter what league you are in.
  3. Like
    Gisby reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    Players were willing to play for us for £4.5k a week last year despite getting better offers. My point is whatever restrictions we have we had more last season.
    No one is underestimating the challenge and we won’t know the situation as you say until deal is done and we know where we stand re: points penalties but Rooney has already proven he can assemble a squad and build a culture, if he continues that and doesn’t fall into the trap of getting as many former big names in as he can (unless they are the right characters of course) then we will be fine. Keeping as many as possible of the current group is also important.
  4. Clap
    Gisby reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    As usual, the emptiest vessels make the most noise! 
  5. Clap
    Gisby reacted to uttoxram75 in The Administration Thread   
    Its 3 or 4 people thats all. Some people really seem to want the worst possible outcome for us, unless its the old curse of the internet of course, but a few so called Derby fans seem to want us to go under rather than survive and have a future. 
    I hope its just their posting style and not enemy action!
  6. Haha
    Gisby reacted to one_chop in The Administration Thread   
    I still have my doubts about CK, he's too loud for my liking and comes across unprofessional with his comments on social media. It's just not the British way of doing things, you wouldn't see the Queen leaning out of the window at Buck House telling the tourists to keep the noise down would you ?
     love him or loath him at least Mel has kept a dignified silence whilst simultaneously running the club to near extinction. Will we survive?. I still don't think we will.
  7. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Ramos in The Administration Thread   
    I think as he is a 34 year old - engaging via Twitter is probably something we will start to see from business owners of coming generations. Tech is just what we and the generations to come are now used to.
    I see to an extent why people feel communicating over Twitter is odd and not ‘professional’ but it’s clear he wants to control the information being put out and has witnessed throughout his bid to buy a club in England how the narrative is spun if those actually involved don’t speak out. Since he’s been active since Friday on Twitter it’s been almost impossible for journalists to make up stories for the sun and the daily Mail. 
  8. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Jortat in The Administration Thread   
    Let’s just hope everyone gets behind CK now and I think he has shown he is not a tyre kicker as he is addressing the correct problems first.
    A lot of the criticisms towards him seem petty considering the alternative of liquidation.
    There may have been a few bidders in the background but he has come back and stepped up to put his money where his mouth is and trying to right the wrongs from our previous owner.
    I am just pleased that we were lucky enough to get someone like him to take a chance on us as the other option of losing my club would have totally devastated me.
    I know the takeover is not complete yet but I for one will be giving him 100% support and at last I feel positive about Derby’s future which is great after the last year of depression and negative news surrounding our great club.
  9. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Mihangel in The Administration Thread   
    CK is a businessman, he will want to pay as little as possible and get the best possible return, therefore he will be hoping that the club can pay off the additional 10p in the pound, it's perfectly logical business sense.
  10. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Van der MoodHoover in The Administration Thread   
  11. Like
    Gisby reacted to ilkleyram in The Administration Thread   
    If someone, born in Derby having made a fortune selling newspapers overseas or getting lucky on a speculative investment on a computer game, was saying all these things we would be dancing in the streets saying how lucky we were.  Neither ended well. Both started well  
    The only differences with ck is that he talks with an accent and we don’t quite believe where he made his money.  He’s told us - bitcoin. I understand that as much as I understand people making millions from a computer game.  Until and unless someone shows different I’ll believe him. I’ve never seen Lionel or Mel’s accounts either. 
    The other thing that gives me confidence is that his company has also been checked out by the PGA. And they’ve run a successful golf tournament. Players have been paid or we might have heard about it. 
    There are plenty of people around willing to do him and us down - Preston feel aggrieved, fans of other clubs, EFL people, Rooney haters, journalists after clicks - there will be negativity during a period when NDAs require silence. Let’s let it play out. 
  12. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    I’m not the one questioning the situation I’ll leave that to all the others as they seem to know best .
    I haven’t 100 percent confidence in anything DCFC at the moment how could I but it’s about practicalities in our situation and CK is the preferred bidder and whilst ever he is trying to buy us I’ll back him as there is no other suitors who showed they wanted the club enough re Appleby or Ashley.
  13. Like
    Gisby reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in The Administration Thread   
    Absolutely this.
    In a transfer window when Tom Cairney moves for 4 million, we buy  Bradley Johnson for 6.
    We wouldn't pay a few million for Dale Stephen's or Lewis Dunk, but had no problem spending 5 million on Butterfield.
    We wouldn't raise the bar for Ollie Watkins, but we're happy to pay 2 million for an ageing Nugent and probably paid him twice the wages.
    Our whole recruitment under Morris was an embarrassment.
  14. Haha
    Gisby reacted to Indy in The Administration Thread   
    ^^ That’s you ruled out if you ever want to buy a club in a decade or so!!
  15. Clap
    Gisby reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    Can’t believe how people are whipping themselves up about these historic tweets. I have two daughters, the contents are disgusting but I defy anyone to say they haven’t made comments they regret. When I was in my twenties I engaged in sexist misogynistic banter at work, with my missus, it was (wrongly) acceptable then I think we’ve come a long way even in the last 10 years and then having two daughters has changed my perspective completely. People learn and grow and I accept his explanation. 
    Lets see this for what it is and that is a campaign by a vocal minority of Forest and Leeds fans with twatter followers to trash Kirchner and trash our hopes of a takeover. It’s petty vindictive rivalry driving them nothing more 
  16. Clap
    Gisby reacted to England Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Lots of us were onboard when a possible Saudi relative was going to take over. 
    That issue was related to human rights and most were willing to let it be. 
    Now the media are dragging up over a decade old set of tweets without asking for an explanation. Tweets mind you, Ill advised and in some cases very wrong by most of societies view. 
    No context, no recourse, no room for change or maturing over 10 years but let’s post them and make it a massive issue. 
    I hope these same people are on twitter daily calling everyone to repentance who doesn’t say things they agree with or say things that are wrong by the society they live in. 
    As long as he treats everyone at the club with equality and doesn’t discriminate either directly or indirectly he can think what he likes (even if they were not taken out of context).
    Sodding words over 10 years old and we have this rigmarole. Ridiculous.  
  17. Haha
    Gisby reacted to B4ev6is in The Administration Thread   
    You better get cooked ready then.
  18. Clap
    Gisby reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Bottom line is Mel wants MSD repaid - be that £20m or £22m or even a bit more - from this administration process.
    Ashley, nor any other serious businessperson imo, is going to pay large bucks for the club without taking full stadium ownership. So if Morris sells to the Council I think Ashley and others will walk away from the table (not that Ashley is overly close to the table at the minute). No matter what all the twisting and turning of this thread, the problem is Morris. He should personally settle the debts with MSD, and agree to hand ‘our stadium’ back, foc, as part of the sale. The Administrators can then actually complete their job which is to get the best recovery possible for the creditors, and to make sure who they select through the process, has the wherewithal to run the club after it comes out of administration. In short, cough up and duck off Morris.
  19. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Stive Pesley in The Administration Thread   
    Mega rich because they are astute business men (and to be successful in business you do have to be quite miserly and watch every penny)
    They have  zero emotional attachment to DCFC. Why would they pay more than they have to? There is a point where the price becomes no longer an astute purchase and they walk away. 
    Feels like some people assume there is an emotional element to these bidders. There is not. The sums either add up or they don't, and they move on
  20. Clap
    Gisby reacted to ilkleyram in The Administration Thread   
    Probably - and I’m completely guessing - because what Q have actually received is two (let's accept that the statements made about a uk and US group are true) indicative offers for the club plus an ‘expression of interest' from Mike Ashley's team.  
    An indicative offer says two things - 1) this is broadly what we will pay for X, over this timescale and 2) we are interested in buying the club.
    ‘An expession of interest' is just that - we are interested in buying the club. But it contains no firm financial offer.
    From what we know of MA that’s how he works - he takes everything down to the wire to get the best possible deal. He also knows how to manipulate the media and the public/fan view to his best advantage. He knows he’s in a good position. He will be playing us and Q. 
    The other two groups - presuming the UK one is not MA - are taking a similar line, I’m guessing. They have each made an indicative offer which will be subject to conditions which will not meet what Q would ideally like but which get them in the game. But because they are indicative offers they need a lot of discussion and negotiation about what they may mean in practice. Those discussions may, or may not, lead to a formal offer.
    Nowhere in any of the statements have we heard of a formal offer for the club.  My bet is that we haven’t had one as such. Yet. Therefore it is impossible for Q to identify and announce a PB. The NDAs will absolutely prevent them from being any more open about who, why and what than they have been - and clearly they haven’t handled the PR well. They’ve raised expectations and then had hopes dashed; they’ve set timescales and procedures and the 'buyers' have done their own thing.
    It will, probably, go down to the wire. The problem for we fans (and probably Q as well) is when is the wire? Is it when the money runs out? When’s that? Is it after the Cardiff match or the end of May when the season ends or the end of June when contracts finish? Perhaps it’s when the fixtures are due to be announced; maybe it’s when we actually know what division we will be in next year or when the EFL judge when we have or do not have enough money to fulfill next season’s fixtures. There will be a point when something has to give and that’s the moment it will get exciting. It could come before if one of the groups jumps the gun and makes an offer; it could be the moment of liquidation. Timing in acquisitions is all, and can be worth millions of pounds. 

    If I were Q I would be getting irritated by the groups interested. I would be (belatedly) upping my PR game; I would be (very carefully) leaking stories to the press; I would be taking a risk and putting Wayne in front of them directly to emphasise the footballing issues; I would, now, define the end date, the point of liquidation and I would engage the EFL in that strategy. In short I would be increasing the pressure on them to make formal offers and move the process forward, quicker. 
  21. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Day in Please don't go on the pitch tomorrow.   
    There has been social media campaigns to see fans on the pitch. Bringing attention to our dire situation.
    Going on the pitch tomorrow will only hurt the club, as in the staff, management and players.
    Quantuma, EFL, will not have a sleepless night.
    We are in desperate times, I understand, feel the frustration and anger.
    I have created this topic using my own voice, my own thoughts with no communication from anyone at the club in the hope it keeps some fans off the pitch.
    Just one fan, using his own voice asking you all to stop and think.
    There has to be better ways in letting our voices be heard without affecting  the team. 
    So far this season, the one positive we can take is the support for this club, it's been second to none. 
    There is one man tomorrow that deserves that same level of support, one man that does not deserve to see his remaining games abandoned for crowd trouble.
    Wayne Rooney. 
    Come on Derby!
  22. Clap
    Gisby reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Tombo. Two reasonable questions to ask of you.
    1) How might you get Mike Ashley or any PB for that matter to pay say £50m for something they only value at say £35m.
    2) How might you persuade Mel Morris to sell the Stadium to the new owner for say £5m rather than the £20m+ he is allegedly holding out for?
    If you can give me satisfactory answers to those questions, I too will lose some faith in Quantuma too. But for now, I still think Q are in an impossible position because of Morris. No one willing to pay anything much more than £30/35m, and wanting the stadium included for that, and Morris not budging for whatever his reasons are. I don't like speculation. but I think his reasons are that he doesnt want either Ashley or Appleby Group paying what he thinks at an undervalue (doing him over if you like). Morris will take this to the wall imo, and I have always thought that. Ultimately though, and I am not sure when, I think he will give, because otherwise liquidation will all be on his head (not Quantuma).
  23. Cheers
    Gisby reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    If we had Rooney and Clooney all we would need is some Mooney and we could really go places.
  24. Like
    Gisby reacted to Carnero in Festy Ebosele - Signed for Udinese   
    I'm with you, I don't blame him for securing his future, however being part of this Watford compensation dodge is very disappointing from Festy too. If Watford want him they should have signed him and paid appropriate compensation.
    This swapping of players between clubs owned by the same people shouldn't be allowed. But WE'RE the bad guys of course.
    Duck football.
  25. Like
    Gisby reacted to CocuBarmyArmy in Festy Ebosele - Signed for Udinese   
    Really disappointed with this one, I know this may be a little controversial, but I’m slightly disappointed in the player as well here.
    Now don’t get me wrong, I totally get it, footballs a short career, but Festy knows the score. He knows we won’t receive a penny for developing him, he knows he will be playing for Watford next season, cheating us out of money we desperately need. I don’t see him getting into the Watford squad anyways, especially if they stay up.
    It’s not like he’s an ageing journeyman, he would have had a multitude of clubs to choose from in the summer, all of which would have done right by the club and himself. Rooney also mentioned that he hadn’t seemed focused in his last presser, sounds like he’s heads been turned.
    Maybe I’m being harsh because I’m upset, but you get my point.
    Also, if he goes to Watford they will be firmly up there with Forest and Boro in my hate list. I get that it’s a clever way around the rules, but it’s a minuscule amount of money compared to their vast Premier League riches for a club in desperate need. Shame on them.
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