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Posts posted by Ellafella

  1. 40 minutes ago, mozza said:

    I rated Jack Taylor as probably the best / fairest referee in the country, this game and his decision totally blew that theory out of the water, and most likely cost us the chance of ever lifting the cup in my lifetime. Still hurts, 48 years later..

    I agree about how good Jack Taylor was & also about the offside decision; I seem to recall it was Franny Lee out wide left tying his boot lace that was “the offside culprit”(?). Also recall a documentary about Jack Taylor which ghosted his refereeing of the Cup Semi-Final. Seem to remember Roy Mac remonstrating fiercely with Jack just after the decision…

  2. 8 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    Fantastic @Quangy. Sheffield and Derbyshire is actually the place where football was born; it was those grass-roots amateur clubs that laid the foundation. It’s all evidenced in that brilliant book “Beastly Fury”. The first chapter is a brilliant read all about the actual banning of the game in Derby in the 1840’s when soldiers were drafted in from….you guessed it Snottingham when word got out that an “illegal” game was planned to take place. 





  3. 14 hours ago, Quangy said:

    That was my idea to have the mural done. Took the idea from Sheffield FC mural. Passed the idea to popside fanatics and they put the wheels in motion.


    Fantastic @Quangy. Sheffield and Derbyshire is actually the place where football was born; it was those grass-roots amateur clubs that laid the foundation. It’s all evidenced in that brilliant book “Beastly Fury”. The first chapter is a brilliant read all about the actual banning of the game in Derby in the 1840’s when soldiers were drafted in from….you guessed it Snottingham when word got out that an “illegal” game was planned to take place. 


  4. 3 hours ago, sage said:

    As much as Adams transformed us this season, I'm not convinced he's a star player in a top ten Championship team 

    I respect your opinion @sage you always seem well informed and insightful but on this occasion I’m inclined to disagree; he’s not a star indeed but I do believe he’ll be just as effective in the Championship as he was in L1. I also believe he’ll get better and he’s got more goals in his locker. 😲

  5. Mr Clowes is a pragmatic businessman as well as a Derby County fan. How he reconciles these 2 positions I don’t know - I couldn’t. So, having achieved target 1 {promotion} there won’t be any new deal yet.

    I suspect that a date will have been set when Mr Clowes, Mr Pearce and Team Warney will sit down. Mr Pearce will set out the “war chest” & Team Warney wil say, we need Player X, Player Y, and Player Z along with Player A, B, & C*. Mr Clowes will say, you can’t have Player C, he’s too expensive. Team Warney will say ok but without all those players, we won’t achieve top 10. Mr Clowes, whose been playing 4-D chess ♟️ all along, will say “Ok, Warney, you can have Player C, but you must achieve a top 10 finish”; Warney will say “You’re a lovely human Mr Clowes” they’ll shake hands then hug, then Mr Clowes will say we’ll review it in 3 months time.

    Classic Plan-Do-Review on an iterative loop. If we achieve top 10 finish next season, Team Warne will be offered a new deal. That’s how Mr Clowes will run it. 


    *Player names have been concealed for reasons of commercial confidentiality. 

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