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Everything posted by ramit

  1. Argue your points by all means, but please don't be so condescending. Is it possible that your rejection of the possibility of Israeli foreknowledge is based more on emotional simple denial than logic in this case? Zionists have a history of sacrificing their people for gain, Israel would likely not exist, if not for their conniving. You claim that IDF senior officers would have to have been in the know, that is simply not true, they are soldiers, they do as they are told, a secret operation is of course worked in a need to know compartmentalized way.
  2. I don't agree. It would not require senior IDF officers to have participated in the conspiracy, only to follow orders. “Theirs not to make reply / Theirs not to reason why / Theirs but to do and die.”
  3. Wouldn't work, we have a low tolerance for religious types, as we are Christian by name only. I wish there were fewer here than are now, we have had a massive influx of immigrants, now standing at 17% and rising, not counting many of the foreign workers. Also, whaling is fine, wailing is not.😉
  4. I could give you a very good example, but for two reasons I wont. First, this is not an earnest request, second, do your own work.
  5. This took some time to plan, an Israeli spy would have ample time to contact control. This is not 1973, high tech surveillance was not available then and Israel has the best in the world. They also have a faithful ally in USA who supply them with any intelligence they may need, satellite info for instance. We are on opposite ends on this matter, the evidence for gross incompetence is also circumstantial, but you choose to believe that, alright fair enough, thanks for a relatively civilized discourse on the question.
  6. Conspiracies happen all the time, powerful people get together and concoct a common plan for their gain. It is amazing to me how the greater public has conveniently eaten up any talk of conspiracy from high circles as nonsense, that all conspiracy theories are to be dismissed as lunacy. The evidence points to an inside job, not the official story. Those who claim the official story is correct must produce convincing evidence to support that story. You are believing in something just as mind-blowing, that Israeli military and intelligence service is hopelessly incompetent, that the most monitored area in the world, wasn't really that monitored, that there was no forewarning of what was to come. In the end who will gain? Israel will take over the entire Gaza by the looks of it, is that in Palestinians interest or Israels?
  7. I don't doubt that the common Hamas fighters were ignorant of the plans for that day, but Israeli intelligence infiltrated the top echelon of Hamas in Gaza long ago, it would be silly to think otherwise. On top of that, the response was way too slow to be believable, unless you mean to state that the Israeli military and intelligence is the most incompetent of it's kind in the world. I understand that it's hard to accept that a government would sacrifice it's own people in the hundreds to achieve political ends, an excuse to justify the mass killing and invasion we see today, but this is what I firmly believe to be true and the evidence does decidedly point to it. We may like to think that government officials are basically normal people with basic human considerations, but we also know from experience that power corrupts, turning men to monsters.
  8. This is your reasoning? Lol, alright fella.
  9. How about addressing the points made in that video instead of weakly attacking the messenger. Gaza is the most heavily monitored area in the world. Answer the questions put forth in the video and perhaps your points can be taken seriously, or you can just take your pot shot and then leave us to it, I suspect it will be the latter.
  10. This needs repeating until understood by all. Simple denial or attempts at rationalizing the official narrative will not suffice. David is correct on every count here.
  11. This slaughter is straining long standing relations, Jordan is an ally of USA.
  12. "A ceasefire now will simply leave Hamas in place. They will regroup and repeat what it did on October 7." Antony Blinken. How exactly would Hamas repeat that attack, asked no one in the room. Would the IDF oblige by standing down again for 7 hours?
  13. Crowded entrance gate of Gaza's biggest hospital Al-Shifa bombed. Want to see the pics and videos? No you don't.
  14. Money power is the root cause of most evil in this world, the money movers are humanity's worst enemy. My generation has been hoodwinked by these insatiable gangsters, fallen for their divide and rule tactics and failed to protect democracy. I tell my son and his friends it is up to them to do better than we have and to inspire us to join their efforts.
  15. Don't know what is going on with my dreams lately, maybe it's new medication I have to take. Dreamed I was the president of the USA no less and I liked to hang out with Trump. Help
  16. Thanks for that info. The fact that it was non binding just makes it worse, we can't even pretend to do the right thing.
  17. Seeing truly horrific images from Gaza, way too graphic to post here, entire neighborhoods demolished, residents frantically digging through the rubble in search of survivors, children if they survived intensely traumatized. War they call this? Meanwhile my government abstained from voting for a ceasefire at UN because Hamas wasn't properly vilified. I deplore western politics, we are the evil empire.
  18. Shameless rhetoric, how dare he mention ISIS? UN calls for ceasefire despicable, he snarls.
  19. Correction, there are reports now, but conflict with others as happens with fog of war
  20. There was movement of troops last evening into Gaza, it is the second time this has occurred, yet no official news of the event. Word is that it was special ops, a mix of IDF and NATO troops and that it didn't go well.
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