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eccles the ram

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  1. Clap
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Premier ram in The Administration Thread   
    Friday 1st April is pivotal in the history of DCFC from what has been written by Percy et al. If it transpires we don't have a PB that comes up to the valuation (and it seems that may be the case)and Q have gone to the nth degree, then MM and Pearce will be the most despised people not only in Derby and Derbyshire but in homes all across the country, and around the world. Chelsea takeover will be put in the background whilst our demise will be all over Sky. Money, as so many have said in the past, has ruined this beautiful game. Greedy agents and some greedy players have taken our money and run. Very very sad tonight for everyone affected, including my son and myself. It's like sitting at the side of a bed where you are watching someone so precious to you ebbing away in front of eyes and you can't do anything about it. Please Mel DON'T LET THIS MAGNIFICENT CLUB DIE - I BEG YOU!!!
  2. Like
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    Friday 1st April is pivotal in the history of DCFC from what has been written by Percy et al. If it transpires we don't have a PB that comes up to the valuation (and it seems that may be the case)and Q have gone to the nth degree, then MM and Pearce will be the most despised people not only in Derby and Derbyshire but in homes all across the country, and around the world. Chelsea takeover will be put in the background whilst our demise will be all over Sky. Money, as so many have said in the past, has ruined this beautiful game. Greedy agents and some greedy players have taken our money and run. Very very sad tonight for everyone affected, including my son and myself. It's like sitting at the side of a bed where you are watching someone so precious to you ebbing away in front of eyes and you can't do anything about it. Please Mel DON'T LET THIS MAGNIFICENT CLUB DIE - I BEG YOU!!!
  3. Like
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    Friday 1st April is pivotal in the history of DCFC from what has been written by Percy et al. If it transpires we don't have a PB that comes up to the valuation (and it seems that may be the case)and Q have gone to the nth degree, then MM and Pearce will be the most despised people not only in Derby and Derbyshire but in homes all across the country, and around the world. Chelsea takeover will be put in the background whilst our demise will be all over Sky. Money, as so many have said in the past, has ruined this beautiful game. Greedy agents and some greedy players have taken our money and run. Very very sad tonight for everyone affected, including my son and myself. It's like sitting at the side of a bed where you are watching someone so precious to you ebbing away in front of eyes and you can't do anything about it. Please Mel DON'T LET THIS MAGNIFICENT CLUB DIE - I BEG YOU!!!
  4. Like
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Friday 1st April is pivotal in the history of DCFC from what has been written by Percy et al. If it transpires we don't have a PB that comes up to the valuation (and it seems that may be the case)and Q have gone to the nth degree, then MM and Pearce will be the most despised people not only in Derby and Derbyshire but in homes all across the country, and around the world. Chelsea takeover will be put in the background whilst our demise will be all over Sky. Money, as so many have said in the past, has ruined this beautiful game. Greedy agents and some greedy players have taken our money and run. Very very sad tonight for everyone affected, including my son and myself. It's like sitting at the side of a bed where you are watching someone so precious to you ebbing away in front of eyes and you can't do anything about it. Please Mel DON'T LET THIS MAGNIFICENT CLUB DIE - I BEG YOU!!!
  5. Like
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Indyram in The Administration Thread   
    Friday 1st April is pivotal in the history of DCFC from what has been written by Percy et al. If it transpires we don't have a PB that comes up to the valuation (and it seems that may be the case)and Q have gone to the nth degree, then MM and Pearce will be the most despised people not only in Derby and Derbyshire but in homes all across the country, and around the world. Chelsea takeover will be put in the background whilst our demise will be all over Sky. Money, as so many have said in the past, has ruined this beautiful game. Greedy agents and some greedy players have taken our money and run. Very very sad tonight for everyone affected, including my son and myself. It's like sitting at the side of a bed where you are watching someone so precious to you ebbing away in front of eyes and you can't do anything about it. Please Mel DON'T LET THIS MAGNIFICENT CLUB DIE - I BEG YOU!!!
  6. Clap
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Gritstone Tup in The Administration Thread   
    Mel Morris - For the love of God man! This Friday do the RIGHT thing and give us back our THEATRE OF DREAMS! You are breaking the hearts of 1000s of us! DO THE RIGHT THING!! UTR
  7. Like
    eccles the ram got a reaction from S8TY in The Administration Thread   
    Mel Morris - For the love of God man! This Friday do the RIGHT thing and give us back our THEATRE OF DREAMS! You are breaking the hearts of 1000s of us! DO THE RIGHT THING!! UTR
  8. Like
    eccles the ram got a reaction from RAM1966 in The Administration Thread   
    Mel Morris - For the love of God man! This Friday do the RIGHT thing and give us back our THEATRE OF DREAMS! You are breaking the hearts of 1000s of us! DO THE RIGHT THING!! UTR
  9. Clap
    eccles the ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    Mel Morris - For the love of God man! This Friday do the RIGHT thing and give us back our THEATRE OF DREAMS! You are breaking the hearts of 1000s of us! DO THE RIGHT THING!! UTR
  10. Clap
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    Mel Morris - For the love of God man! This Friday do the RIGHT thing and give us back our THEATRE OF DREAMS! You are breaking the hearts of 1000s of us! DO THE RIGHT THING!! UTR
  11. Like
    eccles the ram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    Mel Morris - For the love of God man! This Friday do the RIGHT thing and give us back our THEATRE OF DREAMS! You are breaking the hearts of 1000s of us! DO THE RIGHT THING!! UTR
  12. Haha
    eccles the ram reacted to Mostyn6 in The Administration Thread   
    Is he s Saudi prince?? ? 
  13. Clap
    eccles the ram reacted to Woodypecker in The Administration Thread   
    Q have had to navigate the unexpected intransigence & deviance of the EFL / Gibson in finding themselves unable to name a PB since before Xmas - and again for months afterwards, due to the constructive and intentional ambiguity over the parasite claims; then they have seen off the Binnies and especially Kirchner's low-sided pram antics, IMHO probably a good weeding-out.
    Then latterly, they have needed to instruct bidders (again) to re-present or amend their bids to submit them in a single, clear and uniform format, set out as requested - to prevent flankers and hidden conditions/clauses and for Q to be finally in a position to compare the bids exactly and directly. Let's hope it's now happening and that the 'chosen ones' meet all the thresholds.
    Q's communication inconsistency and flawed deadlining have vexed us all - but they have had to disentangle Mel's mess, create a data room, produce a template for unambiguous bidding amid all the crap from the EFL and disparate approaches from would-be owners.
    Bleedin' nightmare, that's for sure....now we might just be close to seeing some daylight.
    C O Y R
  14. Like
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Zag zig in Mel Or Bust?   
    I am in my mid 60s and I want to see and shout my lungs out for a Derby County who will still hopefully be playing in the EFL. That's all! Call me a hypocrite but whoever stumps up the money to save us from liquidation I will doff my cap to them,even if it involves MM. A year from now ( please god let us still have a team by then), if MM was 'part' of the financial package, a lot of supporters will still be angry,hurt and exasparated to what he had done to our beloved club, but thankful he did something right in the end. He will never be seen again as a 'fan' in most of our eyes but his lasting legacy could reduce in time the hate directed at him right now. This week Mel do the right thing for all our sakes and make the correct decision (for a change!).UTR
  15. Like
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Sparkle in Mel Or Bust?   
    I am in my mid 60s and I want to see and shout my lungs out for a Derby County who will still hopefully be playing in the EFL. That's all! Call me a hypocrite but whoever stumps up the money to save us from liquidation I will doff my cap to them,even if it involves MM. A year from now ( please god let us still have a team by then), if MM was 'part' of the financial package, a lot of supporters will still be angry,hurt and exasparated to what he had done to our beloved club, but thankful he did something right in the end. He will never be seen again as a 'fan' in most of our eyes but his lasting legacy could reduce in time the hate directed at him right now. This week Mel do the right thing for all our sakes and make the correct decision (for a change!).UTR
  16. Clap
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Foreveram in Mel Or Bust?   
    I am in my mid 60s and I want to see and shout my lungs out for a Derby County who will still hopefully be playing in the EFL. That's all! Call me a hypocrite but whoever stumps up the money to save us from liquidation I will doff my cap to them,even if it involves MM. A year from now ( please god let us still have a team by then), if MM was 'part' of the financial package, a lot of supporters will still be angry,hurt and exasparated to what he had done to our beloved club, but thankful he did something right in the end. He will never be seen again as a 'fan' in most of our eyes but his lasting legacy could reduce in time the hate directed at him right now. This week Mel do the right thing for all our sakes and make the correct decision (for a change!).UTR
  17. Clap
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Rammy03 in Mel Or Bust?   
    I am in my mid 60s and I want to see and shout my lungs out for a Derby County who will still hopefully be playing in the EFL. That's all! Call me a hypocrite but whoever stumps up the money to save us from liquidation I will doff my cap to them,even if it involves MM. A year from now ( please god let us still have a team by then), if MM was 'part' of the financial package, a lot of supporters will still be angry,hurt and exasparated to what he had done to our beloved club, but thankful he did something right in the end. He will never be seen again as a 'fan' in most of our eyes but his lasting legacy could reduce in time the hate directed at him right now. This week Mel do the right thing for all our sakes and make the correct decision (for a change!).UTR
  18. Like
    eccles the ram got a reaction from PistoldPete in Mel Or Bust?   
    I am in my mid 60s and I want to see and shout my lungs out for a Derby County who will still hopefully be playing in the EFL. That's all! Call me a hypocrite but whoever stumps up the money to save us from liquidation I will doff my cap to them,even if it involves MM. A year from now ( please god let us still have a team by then), if MM was 'part' of the financial package, a lot of supporters will still be angry,hurt and exasparated to what he had done to our beloved club, but thankful he did something right in the end. He will never be seen again as a 'fan' in most of our eyes but his lasting legacy could reduce in time the hate directed at him right now. This week Mel do the right thing for all our sakes and make the correct decision (for a change!).UTR
  19. Clap
    eccles the ram got a reaction from IslandExile in Mel Or Bust?   
    I am in my mid 60s and I want to see and shout my lungs out for a Derby County who will still hopefully be playing in the EFL. That's all! Call me a hypocrite but whoever stumps up the money to save us from liquidation I will doff my cap to them,even if it involves MM. A year from now ( please god let us still have a team by then), if MM was 'part' of the financial package, a lot of supporters will still be angry,hurt and exasparated to what he had done to our beloved club, but thankful he did something right in the end. He will never be seen again as a 'fan' in most of our eyes but his lasting legacy could reduce in time the hate directed at him right now. This week Mel do the right thing for all our sakes and make the correct decision (for a change!).UTR
  20. Like
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Mel Or Bust?   
    I am in my mid 60s and I want to see and shout my lungs out for a Derby County who will still hopefully be playing in the EFL. That's all! Call me a hypocrite but whoever stumps up the money to save us from liquidation I will doff my cap to them,even if it involves MM. A year from now ( please god let us still have a team by then), if MM was 'part' of the financial package, a lot of supporters will still be angry,hurt and exasparated to what he had done to our beloved club, but thankful he did something right in the end. He will never be seen again as a 'fan' in most of our eyes but his lasting legacy could reduce in time the hate directed at him right now. This week Mel do the right thing for all our sakes and make the correct decision (for a change!).UTR
  21. Clap
    eccles the ram reacted to B4ev6is in We must stand as one for long term   
    I know that this season has brought us all togather derby county against rest of the world but in the long term we need continue this support and I am not under any doubt that this we rebuild could take years to take back to standard it was. We need to try rebuild our academy now right down from under 18s right upto under 23s to first team. 
    I do hope that rooney fancy rebuilding from ground up and yes it will take money to get us back but also we need to be resauceble look at young players being released from clubs but also scout watching grassroots level from school teams that young players that could step up over the years that could maybe one day make to our first team.
    At doing this will help save derby county money looking at long term gains.
  22. Clap
    eccles the ram reacted to Indy in The Administration Thread   
    If I remember it correctly, and understood it, he was saying that it was an option to stay on board in a minor ownership capacity (less than 10%) as that would allow him to write off soft loans over a longer period (whilst he was an owner). So rather than have a one-off benefit to the balance sheet, It could be done over multiple years to give ongoing flexibility to stay under FFP limits.
    No different to Stoke’s owners writing off a load this season, and doing the same thing in the future if they chose to. 
  23. Like
    eccles the ram reacted to Leeds Ram in Festy Ebosele   
    Unfortunately you can't really blame him. Even if we were in a relatively normal situation a move to either Serie A or a team coming down from the prem would be difficult to fend off. At the moment it's just completely impossible. No-one can speak about the agent or the player's motives with any degree of accuracy so it's better just to leave it on that score. He's a very good impact player who is very raw. He could be a diamond in the future or end up closer to coal if he doesn't get his technique, vision and general awareness sorted. I'll be sad to see him go as he's put in a good shift and has shown passion for the shirt like everyone else this season. 
  24. Like
    eccles the ram got a reaction from Rammy03 in Festy Ebosele   
    I will miss his warp speed passing defenders at will! Good luck to the lad! Really sad to see you go my friend. Another gem gone!
    Sad times indeed! Let's hope the PB is identified this Friday. Good Friday may come a little earlier this year- I hope! UTR.
  25. Clap
    eccles the ram reacted to Sheff Ram in The Administration Thread   
    With the news of Festy leaving confirmed, it brings home just how hard and long we have been punished as a club. The 21 point deduction is severe in itself but the restrictions placed on us in terms of making new signings and offering new contracts to existing players is destroying our club further.
    It goes way beyond this season. It has made survival in the Championship nigh on impossible, made it harder for us to find a buyer and even if we are eventially taken over, with a potential 15 point deduction, the possibility of a new manager and a scratch team, we face an uphill struggle next season too. And that's the favorable outcome.
    The EFL, the idiot chairmen at Middlesbrough and Wycombe and all the trolling Florist/Leeds/Boro and other teams (so-called) fans have further tried to push us over the edge.
    I just want this to be over now. I'd be a liar if I said this hasn't lowered my mood. The continued worry about the loss of something you have loved for the majority of your life is draining. I'm sure many of you feel the same. Please make this finish. Please can we have a PB  by Friday and at least start on the journey in rebuilding our beloved Rams.
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