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Posts posted by Ovine_Interferer

  1. Let's face it, with the start of the season being made with the thread-barest of squads, so many incoming new players throughout and a new league to get used to, the first few months in League One were always going to be difficult.

    Had the squad been as settled then as they ended up being, I have no doubts at all we'd have been challenging for top honours but sadly, that was never going to happen.

    Looking forward to next season with (hopefully) a strong start to it and maintaining that form right the way through to seasnon's end.

    C'mon you Sheepsies!

  2. I've had a few nicknames in my time:


    As a kid, it was Biffo (that weird bear thing in the comic) - no idea why

    In the Army it was either Smudge or Smythe on account of my surname being Smiff

    Since then, I now go by Sheepy (long and strange story but needless to say it has something to do with Ovine Interference)

  3. For me, it has to be any team that play with ape-like creatures up front and at centre-half, with nasty little buggers charging frantically round the midfield snapping at Rams players' heels throughout the game.  These sides always seem to do quite well against us with their hoofball tactics and Linebacker-style play.

    Stoke City come to mind immediately!

  4. On 25/07/2022 at 21:16, Rev said:

    "This includes working with social media platforms to establish new ways of quicker removal of fan-generated videos of illegal behaviour at football matches, including violent offences and pitch invasions." 

    How will this work?

    It's not illegal to film such incidents, as far as I'm aware, so why should social media platforms remove them?  

    As for the sniffer dogs, who's going to operate them, the clubs or the police?

    I'm sure there are already laws around the possession and use of illegal substances, maybe the police could try enforcing them every once in a while, rather than looking the other way for an easy life.

    I was doing a presentation on the pitch at Mansfield Town last season (part of my job) as a guest of the club - they were playing FGR at home and yes, I got the once over from the sniffer dog, even in corporate uniform, going into the prawn sarnie section of the ground.  It's not unusual and (I think) a great idea.

    It will help alleviate the pyro chuckers and Charlie sniffers from football and the hounds get a good bit of practice in for more serious situations while they're about it!

  5. I remember when we were last down in the depths of Div. 3 (as it was).

    Went to the Wolves game at Molineux and the programme listed the top ten gates that season:

    Top 9 were all Rams at home (BBG) and the tenth? Rams away somewhere because we took such a mob everywhere.

    Happy memories - Newport County away with Wally "singing in the rain"! 

  6. 15 hours ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    It did, it was 100% a red card, those that think otherwise should go to Specsavers………now let’s focus on their penalty and the two covering defenders ?

    Try telling that to half of the South Stand!  The second it landed, I winced and said to the lad next to me "that's him off", much to the astonishment of the herd of ingrates behind me who I think wanted to lynch me for telling the ref it was a red.  Fair's fair, he got two decisions right during the game, but the rest of it.....he was utterly pants

  7. 5 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

    I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.

    Socrates (the Greek, not the one who played for Brazil)

    But then again very people do know anything and if knowing that you know nothing makes you wise,  what does thinking you know something, when you really don’t, make you!!

    I know f-all about everything and everything about f-all

    Me, the Ovine type - definitely NOT the wisest man alive who played for Chippenham Town ?

  8. On 22/02/2022 at 11:02, Mostyn6 said:

    Hope you get to the club shop before you visit. You can take him some of the training gear, he might not have seen it. 

    I think he's a massive online shopper, so he'll have it all, I'm sure!  I do remember when I was posted out there, I flew out in my brand new Rams shirt, the one with zig-zag round the sleeve.

  9. I fancy Rock am Ring (Rock im Park) over in Germany but, alas, I fear that SWMBO might have something to say about me disappearing for what would amount to being a week long pissup and spending every red cent we have on proper beer and schnapps.

    Rock am Ring (rock-am-ring.com)

    Cracking line up, mind you!

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