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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. On 14/11/2022 at 21:40, TuffLuff said:

    So I was a bit stupid a few days ago, my rucksack was full so put my iPad on top of everything and put it in the boot of my car. Forgot about the iPads precarious position when getting it out and the iPad slipped out of its magnetic case (load of use that was) and fell on the pavement. This has caused the ‘sleep/hour’ button to be permanently down so I can’t switch it on anymore. Everything else is seemingly fine.

    Took it to the Apple Shop tonight and they basically won’t do anything because I don’t pay for the apple care kit. It won’t switch on either when plugged in because it’s in recovery mode.. Best they can offer is to sort it through insurance or I could have paid £459 for a recovered model (I politely declined). 

    I’m not particularly tech savvy so I have a few questions.

    1) if I now got apple care kit and took the iPad back then is that worth a gamble or they going to have a record of me going to the shop with the same issue?

    2) is this worth trying to repair or a lost cause? Anyone know any decent repair shops in Derby/Derbyshire who’d be willing to give this a go?

    Small update, but ended up getting it fixed from a mate and it’s as good as new. Just for future ref that these things are fixable.

    Two fingers up to the sh***hawks in the apple shop at Meadowhall!

  2. Anybody twitching at the minute? Have a soft NY resolution to attract more wildlife/birds to our small Sheffield garden, mainly because we are over run with magpies and pigeons most of the time. Taking it all rather slowly and seeing what works but been out and got some feeders to compliment a rowan tree. We’ve had stuff coming to the feeders and fat balls but have not been at home to see what exactly, anyway yesterday I had a look out and saw a mistle thrush out there enjoying the berries on the rowan. It’s a little thing but I have to stress we’ve barely seen anything like that around us aside some swifts in summer, along with the result yesterday it made my day. 

    Anyway advice on what to add would be appreciated. I’m going to get a small bird bath for now and we are looking to add some hawthorn to get more berries/shrubbery then have a look at it all again in spring when it’s a bit warmer.

    Also I picked up a bird house that I need to attach to the side of our house at some point.

  3. I think this was discussed a lot during the administration days, but I think a lot of things in or around the stadium are currently leased out on contracts to outside firms.

    Whether that’s good or bad I’m not really sure, as a fan you like to think any money you spend goes directly into the club and personally I’d want the stadium to have a more community feel (use local firms for catering, beer etc) but guaranteed money is guaranteed money.

  4. 5 hours ago, Ramarena said:

    Warne said they had a person they wanted, but they had 6 months left on their contract 

    Just to add to this, if I right in thinking Warne hinted that there was some bits to iron out but nothing that they couldn’t sort. It’s fair to say that it makes no sense for Oxford to let him go this month, so we’d need to offer a handsome payout, but also can’t see the point in him working for Oxford past this month either if he won’t be in the role past his contract. 

    My guess is something will be sorted for the end of the month. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, sage said:

    Having watched and loved the Detectorists Christmas Special, I binge watched the first series yesterday. 

    Lovely, whimsical British comedy.

    Yes I think I’ll be bringing the series again soon. The special wasn’t quite perfection, especially because it had to show all the characters at the most extreme end of their personalities but I absolutely loved spending a bit of time in that world again. 

    Best bit of Christmas telly for me

  6. It’s quite funny to me that we’ve spent half a season debating whether Bird and Hourihane are a midfield pair then once we are linked with a different type of midfielder, one who was more than dependable to us in a higher league, then people feel the need to think we are above a player like that?

    To me it fully depends what Warne wants to do with Smith, who has quietly been one of our better players so far, and Sibley because if he wants to move them further up the pitch then full backs would need to be a priority (and Shinnie can play LB which is useful but not really a permanent fix I guess). If we are keeping them as fullbacks and if Thompson gets a loan then I think we certainly have room for Shinnie and would be pretty happy to see him back to be honest.

  7. 15 hours ago, Normanton Lad said:

    Who are we to lecture other countries about human rights when we don’t take them seriously ourselves?

    Human rights are supposed to protect us against oppressive governments, but in the UK human rights laws are being used by the government to oppress us. For example, we are supposed to have "freedom of speech" under various Human Rights Acts but the small print in these Acts is that if you offend anyone by using language deemed “insulting” then you are open to a visit from the police. What one person sees as "insulting" might be seen as fair comment by another. There are so many "sensitive" people in the UK that you might as well keep your gob shut and forget about free speech. There is no such thing in the UK.

    Usually, I don’t post about politics because my views on many topics seem to be different from the majority view. It is just not worth upsetting anyone. 

    Human rights claims are usually just attempts to get an advantage for one group at the cost of another. Universal rights is a meaningless phrase because what person sees as a right can conflict with what another sees as a right. People often have incompatible desires. 

    Is someone a bit bitter still because they said something online and got a little visit?

  8. Not sure how I feel about the World Cup as a whole, the big plus point for me I think is I actually quite liked it in winter. A summer World Cup is great, you’ve got bbqs going on with the games, drinking etc etc but i quite liked coming home from work after listening to two games and knowing you’ve got a another to look forward to in the evening. I do think this World Cup will show that there is a want for more top level football to be available on terrestrial tv.

    I think the other big plus is that it’s been a WC where the next generation is starting to come through and we had moments of individual brilliance. We are moving away from the era of Messi, Ronaldo and Neymar which I think is a good thing.

    But, despite the tournament having its moments I don’t think some of the big games lived up to their billing (aside the final itself) and I think a team who weren’t that good have won it. Likes of Spain, Netherlands, England, Brazil, Portugal, Belgium and Germany will be kicking themselves because it was probably there for taking if they had stepped up. Don’t get me wrong there was some great games but I’m not sure there were enough to call it a great WC.

    Another big issue I have is the amount of empty seats there has been throughout the tournament, and when your country was the one that missed out it all hits you a little on a nose. It shouldn’t happen anyway, but I find it a little insulting to see it in the Final. 

    Then yes, we all have felt uncomfortable throughout about the human rights issues and everything else that goes into that tournament in Qatar but I’m uncomfortable with the image of Messi wearing a bisht to lift the trophy. It’s sport washing, and a great example of it. I didn’t watch the celebrations, but I hope Lineker and Neville pointed this out because if they didn’t can they really say that they “have learnt lessons from Russia” or “that they’d re going to discuss the big issues whilst there”?

    So yeah I thought it had its moments but I don’t think it was a great tournament overall and I hope we don’t see it again.  As I said early on, I do think there’s a way to maybe have a winter tournament but I’m not sure whether it should be a World Cup. Maybe a better way is to have a winter break and in that break we can have the champs league group stages for a couple of weeks and have it more accessible than on BT? Just a suggestion…

  9. 10 hours ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

    Harry should know Hugo is rubbish at pens he probably sees it on a daily basis.

    Exactly what you described. Martinez goes in there knowing he is gonna get one, I am not even sure Lloris hopes to stop one. Barthez was dodgy at times but he was good at the exercise. Lloris looks beaten before he even starts. Hey ho i you told me we would get to pens up to the 75th minutes I would have taken it

    In fairness I think that France team is excellent and I think that sick bug had quite a big impact on that final performance. Argentina really had that bit of luck you need to win a final, because I don’t think they were that good and were always likely to lose their heads at some point in the 90mins like they did. I think there will be a few European sides on the Argentinian side of the draw who will be kicking themselves because they would have fancied facing that Argentina side if they had their act together. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

    I have been watching football for years and the French team, Lloris is a top class keeper yet he is the worst keeper i have seen at pens by a long way. I simply cannot remember him saving one, ever. He could bare his arse on his line that would make no difference as long as the penalty taker puts it on target, it is a goal, simple as that. 

    Talk to Harry Kane ?

    But in all seriousness I get your point and thought he was poor which is a shame because I think he’s a top class keeper overall. I think where he falls down in a shootout is that I don’t think he keeps good ‘rhythm’ with the steps in the shooters run up. What I mean by that is if the shooter takes four steps, Lloris has probably already committed before that fourth step and the shooter finds it easier to pick his spot. This is what Messi did for the first one, he stuttered his run up and Lloris moved slightly to his left giving Messi the room to slot right. After that he was done and couldn’t really get near. Compare that to Martinez who seems impeccable with that rhythm which means he’s got a good chance of guessing the direction of the ball (aside if your name is Mbappe ofcourse).

  11. 21 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

    Had a similar disappointing experience unfortunately, got me little ‘un an infant kit for Christmas through the Black Friday deal and hadn’t heard anything. Played the patient game as I wasn’t overly concerned to be honest. I did get an email at the start of the week apologising, blaming the Royal Mail strikes and also refunding my delivery fee. Fair enough, again no bother aslong as it got here eventually. Second email yesterday saying “Evri have conducted an extensive search and unfortunately, our tracking system is currently unable to locate your parcel” which I’m not sure makes sense. Anyway I’ve been refunded and if it turns up then I should treat it as a ‘gesture of good will’.

    So it’s not disastrous but a bit annoying. Feel like calling them out a bit in the whole Royal Mail/Evri thing but it’s probably not worth it. The reality probably is that Fanatics probably didn’t have the stock to sell.

    It’s a shame because I’ve praised the megastore’s online shop a few times on here especially over lockdown and ‘the administration times’ as it was a good way to support the club whilst also clothing a baby, every time they were pretty reliable. Not sure whether I’ll trust this method again unless it changes.

    Slight update that the kit turned up today, all hail Evri/Fanatics/Megastore!

  12. Had a similar disappointing experience unfortunately, got me little ‘un an infant kit for Christmas through the Black Friday deal and hadn’t heard anything. Played the patient game as I wasn’t overly concerned to be honest. I did get an email at the start of the week apologising, blaming the Royal Mail strikes and also refunding my delivery fee. Fair enough, again no bother aslong as it got here eventually. Second email yesterday saying “Evri have conducted an extensive search and unfortunately, our tracking system is currently unable to locate your parcel” which I’m not sure makes sense. Anyway I’ve been refunded and if it turns up then I should treat it as a ‘gesture of good will’.

    So it’s not disastrous but a bit annoying. Feel like calling them out a bit in the whole Royal Mail/Evri thing but it’s probably not worth it. The reality probably is that Fanatics probably didn’t have the stock to sell.

    It’s a shame because I’ve praised the megastore’s online shop a few times on here especially over lockdown and ‘the administration times’ as it was a good way to support the club whilst also clothing a baby, every time they were pretty reliable. Not sure whether I’ll trust this method again unless it changes.

  13. This take, and his responses below, about sums up my opinion. The simple question to Mr Walton should have been ‘who initiated contact?’…although I don’t think Keane, Wright or Neville didn’t care for anything he had to say. 

  14. Thought it was the tale of the strikers tonight, Giroud got the luck on his header and Kane lost his composure in that second penalty. Was always gonna be the toughest game for us and was always going to be the toughest game for France.

    Fine margins and a good game. We are so close to being a real top side and theres lots of positives to take, we just came across a side that produced two bits of top, top quality. We miss a bit of ‘blockbuster’ which France has in abundance and it just gave them enough to get past us.

  15. 2 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Never seen anything like it .David nish in the Fa cup semi but that was wrongly disallowed. 

    A friend mentioned this, but a different set of circumstances. To do it in the last minute of a game like they did was brilliantly audacious 

  16. Game changed when Luuk De Jong came on and stood up to Martinez whinging about nothing. 

    No matter what happens now Argentina getting exactly what they deserved for thinking they’d won and disrespecting the opposition.

    The Messi love in on the BBC?

  17. One fantastic thing to come out of a World Cup is seeing emerging talents arrive on the centre stage, especially when we can no longer keep on top of European football/champs league like we once could.

    Don’t think many will forget Gancelo Ramos’ after tonight

  18. On 05/12/2022 at 17:09, Bris Vegas said:


    This was posted on the BBC regarding penalties at World Cups. Green scored, purple missed.

    If you draw an imaginary horizontal line half way up the goal, you can see the ratio of scored to missed is higher when aiming high.

    I’ve always wondered why players don’t aim high when taking penalties. Yeah you could hit it over or hit the bar, but they are pretty a guaranteed goal when you hit the target.

    Compare that to low shots and look how many are saved.  

    The data is surely flawed because most keepers expect penalties to go low and dive accordingly? 

    The more penalties that get hit higher, the more keepers will gamble on that outcome which will mean more saves. It only works because it’s not an outcome that happens often with a penalty.

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