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Everything posted by MadAmster

  1. Defensively worse than Elder, Sibs and Fozzy. He'd be 4th choice (3rd if Sibs goes)
  2. Thanks for the correction.
  3. Can't have been the money as, IIRC, they didn't bring many any road up.
  4. Moving forward a year, Sky have announced that, from the 25/26 season, some SBC and some Carabao Cup games will be televised on ITV
  5. ... or did you see something on LinkedIn CLAIMING they were looking for a sponsor for DCFC? If we didn't have one, how could the club have announced that the home shirts will be available in the Megastore in June?
  6. Rather more general than a specific game, but... each and every time one of the Madley brothers refereed us.
  7. Butchered by a Stoke defender in and off the ball and off the pitch "tackle" (using the term extremely loosely)
  8. MadAmster


    90 minutes? I played getting on half my career there before retiring at 53. My best season? That would be 98/99. The team had a perfect record. Played 22, lost 22. We averaged 8 or 9 goals against every game. It could easily have been 20 a game, hence a good season. 8 or 9 a game good? IMO, yes. I'll explain... I was 44 at the start of the season. The average age of the side was about 50. The back 4 were all good players but the left back, at 52, was the baby of the defence. The central defenders were 56 and 58 and the right back was 60. We were ahead come HT in a few games, level in some and, even when behind, there was usually just the one goal in it. Around the 65 to 70 minute mark, all 4 were done for. That was when the deluge started. Kept me on my toes but you can't stop 'em all although I did stop a lot. I would think a good 80%+ of our goals against came in the last 20 minutes of games. The opposition teams were all 20s to early 30 in age.
  9. All players have training routines they need to follow through the closed season so, apart from their 2 weeks by the sea or wherever, they are in training. Maybe not full training but sufficient to keep a good level of fitness and avoid too much weight gain. My guess if that they will report back on Friday June 28th. They will have medicals, be weighed and measured and have some fitness tests. This to gauge where they are in relation to the goals they were given at the end of the season.
  10. Yes. Overlapping full back. IMO, that's pretty damned similar to the role of a wing back...
  11. Ergo, the £200M+ loss to MM is correct. September 25th, 2021. The Daily Mail (poor example, I know) reported MM would be "Well in excess of £100m is owed to Derby owner Mel Morris in soft loans, and he will not be seeking a penny". May 29th, 2022. Russell Pollard on derbynews dot org dot uk "Based on figures in the Administrator’s report, Mel Morris will need to write off around £124m owed by the companies in administration. The stadium which was bought by one of Morris’ companies for £81m, 4 years ago, may only fetch £20m resulting in a further £61m write off for Morris. £36m is required to pay debts owed to HMRC. Paying the minimum of a few million pounds to unsecured creditors is small change, but necessary, to avoid a further 15 point deduction next season." Easy to see why people think the opposite to you. Not saying who's right. BBC September 22nd, 2021. "Having lost, by his own estimation, £200m of his own money on Derby, he felt he had no option other than to put the club into administration."
  12. My first paragraph. Lots in the press about how much the club owed Mel. That was reported to be around £140M which he wrote off once the Clowes deal had been completed. Kieran Maguire wrote an article, published on many sources indicating that Mel's ownership had cost him north of £200M in total. My last paragraph. During MMs stewardship, income was running at £30M to £35M a year (roughly). Over his tenure that is around £230M in total. Maguire, and others, have reported MM losing north of £200M on the club. That's how I got to the £450M spend. He spent all the income and >£200M on top of that. It might be even more than my £450M estimate as we owed another £60M or so on top of that.
  13. @Rammy03 just to put some context, some perspective into the gates you posted... Population: Derby 258K. Villareal 52K Stadium capacity: Derby 33K. Villareal 23K
  14. Wasn't there something like another £140M we owed MM that he wrote off? At the time of going into administration that £140M was still a debt. During MM's stewardship we he generated around £230M in income and spent around £450M. To say Pickering was "as bad" as MM is, IMO, well wide of the mark.
  15. That "advisor" is called an "agent" whose job it is to get the best deal for his client. IMO, they often push their client down a certain road as that would be financially better for them rather than the best for the player's future.
  16. Footballinsider and the72. Two of the "news" sites I avoid like the plague. You can add derbycounty dot news to that list and many more. I am sick to the back teeth of "Derby could go for whoever" or "so and so might be a good fit for Derby". It's all just stuff they either make up or nick from other clickbaiters. There's never a source. It's always could/would/should/might... complete waste of time.
  17. Home kit has been said, by the club, to be available in the store in June.
  18. Whether Tom is average is irrelevant. He played for Wales when with Derby so is an international footballer. Here's another international who played for us post 1999... Branko Strupar. The list is long.
  19. Taken from the DCFC Annual Report and Financial Statement for the Period ended 30 June 2023. The 2nd paragraph appears to disagree with you. QUOTE UNQUOTE
  20. At a concert, I very much doubt they would use the tannoy system. There would be a mass of thoroughly professional sound equipment manned by one or more qualified sound engineers. The quality of sound would be dependent on the acoustics of the stadium. Here in the Netherlands, there are regular concerts in 3 stadia. The grounds of PSV, Feijenoord and Ajax. The first 2 are "open" grounds, the latter has a (retractable) roof. The sound at PSV is OK. At Feijenoord it's very good and bands can't blame the acoustics if they have an off night. At Ajax, it's hit n miss. Some places in the ground have good sound quality, others it's poor. Not the sound engineers at fault, it's the stadium. How would it work at PP, with or without a roof? Only one way to find out...
  21. I'd hope that the first offers have been made...
  22. ... which I've been saying from the off. There every possibility that we have already got players signed up. If we have we just can't register them with the EFL until July 1st.
  23. Pre contracts signed, possibly contracts signed too. It only requires registering at the EFL on July 1st. Transfer fee agreed. Wages agreed. Bonuses agreed. signed sealed and delivered. Unfortunately this topic seems to be getting drawn into pedantics of what actually constitutes a deal when it all started out as the point being made that we don't have to wait until July 1st to talk to players and clubs, to agree transfer/loan fees and wages and bonuses. We, and every other club, can... as the Johannson transfer to Stoke proves.
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